In the example later in the article, the model is used to provide one place you can set security for all information in all damage claims regardless of the type of information used in the claim.
For example, if you set AUTO_MAINT to a value of OFF, all other automatic maintenance parameters are considered to have an effective value of OFF, regardless of whether or not they are set to on.
That number sounds like a bit of an exaggeration, and regardless, we all know that having your doctor friend write up notes for you is cheaper and far more convenient.
If you make a habit of putting all your purchases on credit CARDS, regardless of whether you can pay your bill in full at the end of the month, you might still be paying for those items in 10 years.
You use it to tell XPath to select all the specified nodes regardless of how deeply they are nested. Take, for example, this simple XHTML-specific XPath.
This is good news for you, good news for me, good news for all people, regardless of our circumstances!
Husband 1.0 must assume ALL responsibility for ALL faults & problems, regardless of root cause. To activate this great feature enter the command "C: I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME".
Husband 1.0 must assume ALL responsibility for ALL faults & problems, regardless of root cause. To activate this great feature enter the command "C: I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME".