The structure and allocation of the register file is a key factor affecting the performance of software pipelining.
EDAC error detector and corrector have been implemented to improve the reliability of register file and memory during read and write process.
Decoder is one of the most important components in a memory unit, and its improvement can greatly diminish the access time of both register file and SRAM.
It is not just technically minded developers who need to register file changes for a project, but also less technically aware business users who need to manage non-code related artifacts.
The PPE accesses main storage (the effective-address space) with load and store instructions that move data between main storage and a private register file, the contents of which may be cached.
A multi-ported register file is often required by the superscalar microprocessor to handle multiple simultaneous loads and stores, which cause large increase in area and power consumption.
Register the annotation file into Transcoding Technology itself, using the XML Configuration tools.
To register all the activation scripts with the activation engine, first create an activation logic file.
The definition file needs to specify the published and handled events required to register your custom widget with the toolbar widget.
The simplest way is to have participants register the URL of their FOAF file with a central service, which then does the aggregation.
After you have compiled the stored procedure (and optionally stored it in a JAR file), and moved to a particular location, you can register that stored procedure so that applications can reference it.
To get started, a hacker needs to register as an affiliate on an underground website and download a virus file that is coded with his or her affiliate ID. Then it's off to races.
Extract the DTDs from the zip file and register them to the database.
从zip文件中解压出这些 DTD并将它们注册到数据库。
Now all you have to do is create a TLD (tag Library Descriptor) file to register your custom tag, as shown in Listing 4.
To do so, we'll register these classes by adding the following hibernate.cfg.xml file to the hibernate directory of our application.
要做到这些,我们需要在应用的hibernate目录增加如下的hibernate . cfg . xml文件,注册这些类。
In order for these controllers to work, you need to register them with the portlet web.xml file by adding the following configuration markup.
为使这些控制器能工作,您需要向portletweb . xml文件注册它们,方法是添加下列配置标志。
In addition, GWT has modified the web.xml file to register the new remote server for use in deployed applications.
此外,GWT已经修改了web . xml文件来注册新远程服务器以供在部署的应用程序中使用。
To bridge from the JSP world to the JSF world you need a custom tag that returns the component type (which you'll then register in the faces-context file) and a renderer, as Figure 3 demonstrates.
要连接起JSP世界和JSF 世界,需要能够返回组件类型的定制标记(然后在 faces-context文件中登记)和渲染器,如图 3 所示。
Since we do not know when our plug-in will get initialized or whether the Synonym plug-in is initialized, we will simply attempt to register the entries in our XML file right when our plug-in loads.
由于我们不知道何时初始化插件,也不知道是否初始化Synonym 插件,所以我们只要在加载插件时尝试注册XML文件中的条目即可。
Click the download link on the next page, register and then download the zip file to a temporary directory.
After installing RichFaces, you need to change the web.xml file by adding the lines from Listing 8 to register RichFaces.
安装richfaces之后,通过添加清单8中的这些代码行可以更改web. xml文件来注册richfaces。
By default, both of these views are disabled, and you must register the org.apache.wink.server.internal.servlet.AdminServlet class in the application web.xml file to activate them.
默认情况下,这些视图都是禁用的,您必须在应用程序web .xml文件中注册org . apache . wink . server . internal . servlet . adminservlet类才能激活它们。
The example shows you how straightforward it is to create and register a file type in the OS Some additional methods of interest in the Association class can enhance the file types
After your function is defined, the next step is to "hook" or register it with WordPress. To do this, call add_filter in the global execution space of your plugin file.
This will be the file WordPress reads to get information about your plug-in and to register your extension points.
To use flat files with Attunity you need the appropriate flat file license file, and you must register it as follows.
Though it is not required, I suggest that you run the addpm.exe file in the bin subdirectory to register Emacs so that it's accessible from your Start menu.
虽然不是必须的,我还是建议您运行bin 子目录中的addpm.exe以注册Emacs,这样就可以从start菜单上访问它了。
Information Integrator can be used to register nicknames for DB2 and Oracle employee tables as well as the serial number text file.
Information Integrator可以为DB 2和oracle员工表及序列号文本文件注册别名。
To make use of it, all that has to occur is that the runner.html is loaded with a query parameter defining which file to load that will register tests.
要想利用它,只需要用一个定义所要加载文件的查询参数加载runner . html,此文件将用来注册测试。
To make use of it, all that has to occur is that the runner.html is loaded with a query parameter defining which file to load that will register tests.
要想利用它,只需要用一个定义所要加载文件的查询参数加载runner . html,此文件将用来注册测试。