Most clearly, the lightly regulated hedge fund industry described by Mr. Luo as the Galapagos of financial services is suffering a shakeout.
The insurance industry is a highly regulated one in terms of business and legal regulations and the cost of not following these regulations can be quite severe.
In America'slightly regulated supermarket industry, most shoppers in all but the deepestbackwoods live just a few minutes' drive from a large supermarket.
Most clearly, the lightly regulated hedge fund industry - described by Mr Lo as the Galapagos of financial services - is suffering a shake-out.
Why should a regulated and controlled industry be so much in love with the unchecked power of?
What it means, instead, is that “the regulated levels of emissions from the industry are too high.”
'Pipelines were regulated for the oil industry,' says Gough.
But Russia has regulated the industry so poorly that production is falling despite the soaring oil price.
Finance, like any other industry, is chiefly regulated by people taking responsibility for their actions.
The banking industry that emerged from that collapse was tightly regulated, far less colorful than it had been before the Depression, and far less lucrative for those who ran it.
So far, at least, a striking feature of the crisis has been that hedge funds, the least regulated part of the finance industry, have proved more stable than more heavily supervised institutions.
But they are also deliberately propped up by a tightly regulated retail industry, under which hypermarkets are not allowed to sell below cost.
In the summer of 2009, an Internet industry regulatory agency said that the launching of microblog products would be regulated and subject to approval.
The industry is poorly regulated, and often the boats are overcrowded and in disrepair.
While the numbers reflect a shrinking Chinese movie market, some experts say it is the result of a better regulated and maturing film industry.
The sugar industry produces food, fuel and environmental benefits. How fast it grows may depend on an argument about how it should be regulated.
Use Case 6 - Industry regulated policies and rules.
This system produced an under-regulated, over-confident nuclear industry whose legacy is the as-yet-unresolved Fukushima disaster.
Many Western film executives once dismissed China and its tightly regulated film industry with a Hollywood brushoff - "Don't call me. I'll call you."
In America's lightly regulated supermarket industry, most shoppers in all but the deepest backwoods live just a few minutes' drive from a large supermarket.
The UK industry is very closely regulated and there are lots of things that we have to do to make sure the risk of people having problems and under-age betting is reduced.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published an 'opinion' warning financial institutions to stay away from digital currencies until the industry is regulated.
The financial services industry, like other some industries, has been and continues to be highly regulated.
Yet its sales market is not very well regulated and loss of honesty is quite serious, thus greatly damaging the image of the new industry.
It is hence important to provide a properly regulated framework to balance the growth of the ECF industry with achieving appropriate level of protection for investors.
But the breadth of the scandal could finally threaten to bring change to an industry with a record of cheating since cars were first regulated.
In contrast, the home-water treatment industry is very heavily regulated.
The securities and financial industry is probably one of the most highly regulated industries in the world.
The securities and financial industry is probably one of the most highly regulated industries in the world.