It tells you when to reject the null hypothesis, but it does not tell you whether to accept the alternative hypothesis.
We cannot reject the null hypothesis that the preferences of Nova Scotia beer drinkers have changed since your last poll.
Most statisticians would not argue if you decided to reject the null hypothesis that the results can be accounted for in terms of random sampling variability from the null distribution.
If that probability is low, then you can reject the null hypothesis that the mean is the best predictor and, correspondingly, gain confidence that a simple linear model offers a good fit for the data.
We would like to reject H0 (recall that in statistical hypothesis testing rejection of Null hypothesis is always a strong conclusion),thereby demonstrating that the process is capable.
We would like to reject H0 (recall that in statistical hypothesis testing rejection of Null hypothesis is always a strong conclusion), thereby demonstrating that the process is capable.
We would like to reject H0 (recall that in statistical hypothesis testing rejection of Null hypothesis is always a strong conclusion), thereby demonstrating that the process is capable.