If the application is compiled as Flash, the generated SWF file and related files are cached.
Finder add writes the finder code in the Speaker_Roo_Finder.aj file and writes some view-related files.
finderadd在Speaker_Roo_Finder . aj文件写入查找程序代码,并写入一些视图相关的文件。
When more than one special register is generated, you must qualify each reference to a LINAGE-COUNTER with its related file name.
当生成多个专用寄存器时,必须用相关联的文件名指定对LINAGE - COUNTER的每个引用。
Annotations allow a developer to program data that would otherwise be furnished in a related file, such as a separate deployment descriptor.
If you have some XML to be bundled with related media, such as an image file, you can use simple URI reference.
Every service asset should also have a related service implementation asset which is the EAR or WAR file that will be deployed.
The approach taken in this example is very simple: find the service level requested in a properties file and use the related property value as the message endpoint.
A component allows you to group a set of related directories and file elements together, and then tie them to a UCM project.
You can track information related to read and write operations on a file with the help of auditing.
Although rules can be stored and accessed various ways, each rule is typically stored in an ordinary text file, and rules for related resources are usually kept under a common root directory.
This page enables the setting of the WSDL file that contains the port type, operations, and related artifacts aggregated in the previous step.
In the meantime, module is a self container where it contains handlers, third-party libraries, module related resources and the module configuration file.
A baseline identifies a related set of file versions.
Retrieve the related socket information (role,...) described in the XML file.
Also, notice that the special interest groups, along with their related subjects, are listed in this file.
On some typesetting systems, it is easier to include two related figures as one file than to include them separately.
This core index file stores all of the terms and related information in the index, sorted by term.
JFS2 has been enhanced with the capability to capture and report per-file statistics related to hot-file detection that you can use to determine if a file should be placed on an SSD.
The install process saves the EAR file and the application related configuration in WebSphere application Server master repository.
When you import the index file, which is generally called a Team project Set file, it imports all related projects into your workspace.
BPEL Repository stores BPEL business processes and other related XML files in a file system.
Asset registry: Stores the file locations of all of the assets related to ClearQuest test management.
Now, there is a small drawback with this approach and is related to the size of the memory mapped file.
You can design to have related entities mapped in one XML file, or you can separate them out.
In my environment, this XML file is one of several critical data sources for tracking information related to products.
This file also contains some system-related log information, such as restart, shutdown, and date changes.
The mobile device also manages operations related to file subscriptions for easy distribution of mobile applications to the device and can execute stored procedures stored on a DB2 database.
移动设备还管理与文件订阅相关的操作,以便方便地将移动应用程序发布到该设备,并且可以执行存储在DB 2数据库中的存储过程。
Compression in general has many benefits, either related to the smaller file size or the ability to bundle several files into one archive file.
Don't try to reduce permissions after you create the file because of a related race condition.
From this file, you can determine the compilation errors that are related to a particular test case.