Mr Heathcliff, be kind enough to bid this friend of yours release me: she forgets that you and I are not intimate acquaintances; and what amuses her is painful to me beyond expression.
A Wharton spokeswoman tells me that the school does not release information about alumni beyond year of graduation and degree granted.
The tests tell me whether an integration "works" and that it's safe to release to the rest of the team.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind,to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.
Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews? "asked Pilate?"
"Don't worry, you'll soon be released, I am sure my colleague who is taking over from me will be the one to release you," the departing Sergeant said to Paiko.
With the release of Notes/Domino 7 and the good benchmarking numbers it is producing, the question a lot of customers are asking is, â How much will this help me in my production environment?â
My wife wrote me a press release when I launched Virus Strike which did pretty well.
A 1.0 release often is indicative of a product arriving, as a Ruby on Rail developer how can the team help me transition to Merb?
一个1.0版本的发布通常意味着产品的到来,作为一个Rubyon Rails的开发者,Merb开发团队会怎样帮助我转换到Merb呢?
That got me to the "RTP" or "release to production" stage. The production people oversaw a copy-editing cycle: ironing out spelling, grammar, punctuation, and inconsistencies.
You have become accustomed to me addressing you on this day, when we release our quarterly results.
Finally, however, the decision came down to pardon and release Hanna, and the warden called me.
Why something came out deprecated in a 1.0 release always confused me, but seeing the method there always seemed to spark interest in using it with new developers.
Also, let me know what you think if you've been using the Community Tech Preview (CTP) release.
I did eventually get them to release because I served them with a legal notice - it said that if they didn't release it in 90 days, the rights would revert back to me.
I don't have room for an exhaustive treatment of them here and the details are sure to change as the product moves toward a final release, but let me give you a taste of what you'll find.
A: No, I haven't discussed my leaving plans with my current employer, but I am sure he will release me.
I attributed the huge spike to a couple of things. A nice new big release that people liked (duh), and another that took me a little longer to figure out... people feel more comfortable with a 2.0.
Leigh, in her first interview after the film's release, shared the audience's horror: "I believed that knife went into me. It was that real, that horrifying.
Again, it would be impossible for me to cover all of the features baked into the V8.2.2 release of DB2 in a short 3-part series.
Q: What are some habits that will help me release the stress and tension that builds up in my busy day?
Do I need to disappear from everyone who has a history (with me) to release the me they've never had the pleasure of knowing?
Parents send best hope on me, I can't live up to them, I will release the biggest energy.
Twitter doesn't release its own user or traffic figures, but co-founder Biz Stone told me in August that the servicehad"grown six times over in the last 10 months.
Twitter没有公布过自己的用户数或流量,但在八月份的时候,其共同创始人Biz Stone曾告诉我,Twitter的服务在“过去10个月里,增长了六倍。
The vpuserinfo.nsf database that contains the contact list and privacy information (also known as "Who Can See Me") has undergone changes in release 7.5.
在7.5版本中对包含联系人列表和隐私信息(即“谁能够看见我”)的vpuserinfo .nsf数据库进行了更改。
Farrell met them when he was asked to release butterflies at their wedding: "There were more pictures of me in Hello! Than of the bride and groom!"
Farrell met them when he was asked to release butterflies at their wedding: "There were more pictures of me in Hello!"
Guillaume la Forge made me the project lead so that I could update the official release of the plugin to include fixes for issues that have been in the pipeline for some time.
Guillaume la Forge made me the project lead so that I could update the official release of the plugin to include fixes for issues that have been in the pipeline for some time.