participated in groups such as the Knights of Columbus;or attended religious services.
Religious services include the singing of songs and listening to speakers, sometimes referred to as preachers.
Some Americans attend religious services on the day before Thanksgiving, or on Thanksgiving morning. Others travel long distances to be with their families.
Religious services, which include hymn-singing, readings from the Guru Granth (the Sikh Holy Book) and sermons by the priest, are held every Sunday morning.
Kids' carnivals, health and wellness fairs, mural painting, parades, ecumenical religious services and cultural events will be part of the observances in Philadelphia.
Believe Another study, this time by the University of Pittsburgh, claims that those who go to weekly religious services live on average three years longer than those who don't.
The First Temple was constructed under David's son Solomon and was completed in 957 BC. It contained three rooms: a vestibule, the main room for religious services, and the Holy of Holies.
More than 120 million Americans now claim a religious affiliation; and a recent Gallup survey indicated that 44% of them report that they attend church services weekly.
They come as religious brothers counseling members of ethnic communities, religious sisters providing social services and care to the poor and ill, and lay persons assisting with religious education.
On Christmas eve, everyone attends evening church services. On Christmas day, families attend other religious ceremonies at churches before they make their rounds to visit friends and relatives.
That strange new religious sect conducts its services in dog Latin.
That strange new religious sect conducts its services in dog Latin.