If an energy company struck oil, or an entertainment firm created a new movie franchise, investors would pour money into its stock, but the price would remain tethered to reality.
The merged firm brought together low-cost, easily expandable mines that would remain profitable even when commodity prices were low.
Existing processes become obsolete and the firm must upgrade to remain competitive.
The economies of the areas that were hit still remain fragile and are likely to take a lot longer to recover, according to fresh data from credit card firm Visa International.
They remain firm friends after starring together in Titanic.
Indicate whether individuals responsible for data integrity lapses remain able to influence CGMP-related or drug application data at your firm.
Shares in FerroChina will remain suspended until further notice, the firm added.
At full trot, the back must remain firm and level without sway, roll, whip or roach.
Trouble could flare anew. Some workers remain unhappy with a settlement offered by the Japanese firm.
A new survey by the Nielsen co research firm showed 85% of Internet users believe that online content that is currently free should remain free.
"The main design constraint was the need to remain sensitive to the historic landmark and the shared-access driveway that leads to parking beneath it," said the firm.
When it comes to hiring, companies remain cautious and pragmatic, according to Michael Steinitz, who works for the recruiting firm Robert Half International. But he says there are glimmers of hope.
If the Party a places an order within the time designated in this offer, the price for the goods will remain firm notwithstanding any variation in the costs of producing the goods.
Acer chairman JT Wang said the firm intended to remain strong in the computer hardware business but it was also looking into software as it was an area that could drive growth.
Rinsing the mouth can make the oral cavity remain clean, teeth firm and prevent diseases such as foul breath and caries.
In fruits, pectin keeps the walls of adjacent cells joined together, helping them remain firm and hold their shape.
Dairy prices looks set to remain firm, into the medium term, underpinned by a twin step of higher feed prices and rocketing Chinese demand, Commonwealth Bank of Australia said.
In the absence of firm actions to reign in inflation precious metals including gold and silver are likely to remain in demand as a global inflation hedge.
The control and responsibility toward the supply chain remain with the firm, even though operations may move to a highly trained outside organization.
If the Party a places an order within the time designated in this offer, the price for the goods will remain firm notwithstanding any variation in the costs of producing the goods.
Hitchcock was a firm believer that if a director had a distinctive setting - it should be dramatized and become indigenous to the whole picture - not just remain in the background.
Jeffery Wong of global advisory firm KPMG says even the bigger players remain mainly confined to provincial markets.
May the immutable vajra pillar of her life-force remain firm!
May the immutable vajra pillar of her life-force remain firm!