The railway departments have done an even more remarkable job in this respect, and the experience gained in Xuzhou is quite typical.
'Fritz has done a remarkable job.' Mr. Whitacre told reporters at a news conference at GM headquarters. But 'we all agreed that some changes needed to be made going forward.
Intensely loyal, contemptuous of the press and overwhelmingly hostile to any form of public disclosure, the Bushies did a remarkable job of keeping their doings hidden for eight years.
"Clare has done a remarkable job of promoting her quest for the Best job in the World in Taiwan and has become an overnight media celebrity," Tourism Queensland CEO Anthony Hayes said in a statement.
"Clare has done a remarkable job of promoting her quest for the Best Job in the World in Taiwan and has become an overnight media celebrity, " Tourism Queensland CEO Anthony Hayes said in a statement.
Right now, the twin towers of stock-market declines and job losses have produced a remarkable bipartisan consensus that this simply isn't a time to worry about the deficit.
From January 2000 to January 2010, employment in the Valley grew by a remarkable 42 percent, compared with our nation's anemic 1 percent job growth.
Then the studies also suggested that career commitment had remarkable relations with some important effect variables, such as career satisfaction, job involvement, job performance.
So this weekend, I'm going to take a little extra time to say thank you to Michelle for the remarkable way she does the most important job: being a mom.
Through the Pearson Correlation analysis, we found the correlation between organizational culture and job satisfaction is very remarkable except for one or two aspects.
On the face of it, it is remarkable that Mr Wagoner is still in his job at all.
It will also create 300 job positions, with remarkable social and ecological benefits.
It will also create 300 job positions, with remarkable social and ecological benefits.