A federated stored procedure can be thought of as a nickname for a remote stored procedure.
The JDBC client called the remote stored procedure either directly or using a corresponding federated stored procedure.
The only way for a remote server to enlist in the transaction is to be the target of a distributed query or a remote stored procedure call.
Naturally, we are interested in understanding what overhead is added to a remote stored procedure call when it is issued through the federated server.
Our experimental setup was the same as for the last tests, except that the remote stored procedure was written to return a result set whose size depended on an input parameter.
Calling a remote stored procedure with no result set means that the overhead added by federation is limited to name and type mapping between local and remote names and input parameters.
In this case you need to make sure that the stored procedure exists on that remote server.
Now when performing the LOAD FROM CURSOR operation within the stored procedure, DB2 tries to establish the remote connection to database SAMPLE with the authorization ID of the local user.
在存储过程中执行LOADFROM CURSOR操作时,DB2尝试用本地用户的授权ID连接远程数据库SAMPLE。
The JDBC application returned these as a ResultSet object from either the federated stored procedure or the remote native stored procedure.
The JDBC application returned these as a ResultSet object from either the federated stored procedure or the remote native stored procedure.