Saline water is used to remove water from inside the sliced cabbages.
Effectively remove water, sediment, rust, red worm, micro-organisms and a variety of suspended particles.
The filtering separator is a purifying unit which is used to remove water and other particles from liquid fuel.
T-shaped implement with a rubber edge across the top; drawn across a surface to remove water (as in washing windows).
Coffee and tea with caffeine and carbonated sodas are diuretics and can remove water from your system. Drinking plain water is the best way to get the fluid you need.
As the one of the preferred embodiment, the method USES hog still to remove water and aromatic hydrocarbon organic solvent azeotropy generated in the dehydration reaction.
Liquid medium the dry filter to remove water, impurities, into the expansion valves throttling decompression, become a low voltage liquid medium, low temperature within in the evaporator gasification.
The body is freeze-dried in liquid nitrogen, then vibrated so that it dissolves into a fine powder. Further processes evaporate water and remove things like mercury.
Ice wines, made from grapes that have been frozen and then are pressed to remove excess water.
And the important thing is to get it, understand where the water goes and understand how you can remove heat.
Further processes evaporate water and remove things like mercury.
To remove perspiration stains from clothing, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of hot water and sponge it on.
Although it would be difficult to remove the oxygen by itself, hydrogen readily combines with oxygen to form water, which can be heated to steam and easily removed.
Remove the egg with a spoon or ladle and let it cool slowly, or run cold water over it to cool it more quickly.
Mix 3 TSP with hot water to soak and remove tea and coffee stains from thermos' and tea cups.
Mix 3 tsp with hot water to soak and remove tea and coffee stains from thermos’ and tea cups.
Remove the measuring cup from hot water and add three or four drops vitamin E and five to 10 drops essential oils.
Arranged in barrels of concrete or plastic, these biosand water filtration systems (BSFs) remove 95 to 99 percent of the bacteria, viruses, worms and particles contained in rain or surface water.
If the silver is badly tarnished, you may need to reheat the baking soda and water mixture, and give the silver several treatments to remove all of the tarnish.
And "fresh" can be a relative term. Before 2009, federal regulators did not require water bottlers to remove E. coli.
The plan could lessen the reliance on the mammoth pumps that not only remove storm water but also lower the natural water table of the area.
Avoid getting too much of the mixture on your scalp and rinse with warm water afterward to remove any lemon or vinegar residue.
We've got to remove the heat using some kind of fluid whether it's water or gas and we've got to pass this fluid through a turbine, that turbine turning a generator and making electricity.
Before 2009, federal regulators did not require water bottlers to remove E. coli.
Before 2009, federal regulators did not require water bottlers to remove E. coli.