He was a man of many talents, a Renaissance man in the true sense of the world.
SCIENTIST, engineer, musician and great artist, Leonardo da Vinci is the archetypal Renaissance man.
In 1986, renowned Japanese renaissance man, 'Beat' Takeshi Kitano, presided over the creation of Takeshi's Challenge.
1986年,日本著名导演北野武制作了一部叫做《北野武的挑战》(Takeshi's Challenge)的游戏。
Paddy is a modern-day renaissance man in his mid-40s whose life at times seems only slightly less fantastical than Jackson's.
The Renaissance man in the film industry idolizes Martin Scorsese: "His greatest success comes from his constant self-challenge."
The person who came closest to reaching this ideal of the multi-talented "Renaissance Man" was the Italian artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci.
He was the ultimate Renaissance man - studying anatomy, designing a rudimentary helicopter and creating some of the most admired paintings of the age.
let me just say that the title of this post is the title of an insightful book by Steven J.Fogel, business leader and Renaissance man, with Mark Rosin.
Michelangelo, the original Renaissance man, is regarded more often as a great sculptor even though his most famous work is arguably the vast fresco painting.
You could call Archibald macleish a Renaissance man meaning he had many interests and talents. perhaps you are a Renaissance person too. what are your interests and talents?
In short, Leonardo was an extraordinary genius, an example of what has been described as "Renaissance man" : someone interested in everything and with many different talents.
I called that man to say thank you. Then my family and I went to Renaissance Weekend and into the New Year.
Having been fed on humanism in both the Hebrew and Greek literatures, the Humanist literature of the Renaissance had nurtured the motif of "man" for modern western literature.
本文认为文艺复兴 时期人文主义文学在汲取“两希”文学的人文养料后,孕育出了西方文学现代形态里“人” 的母题。
His image reflects the versatility of the man of Renaissance.
Renaissance in Western Europe started to discover man and relieve man, making the human nature awake.
Whether you credit Mad Men (2007-2015) or Breaking Bad (2008-2013), TV's recent Renaissance began with a literal interpretation of moral relativism: Man is the measure of all things.
无论你是否对《广告狂人》(2007- 2015)或《绝命毒师》(2008 - 2013)赞誉有加,(你都不能否认)近期电视荧屏的复兴始于对道德相对论的文学解读:男性是衡量万物的唯一准则。
The Renaissance. The defining moment in European history when the creative genius of Man found perfect expression in Art and Science alike.
The Renaissance. The defining moment in European history when the creative genius of Man found perfect expression in Art and Science alike.