The remedy would be new broad-based rules rather than just renminbi revaluation.
This article altogether divides into three parts: the first part is the Renminbi revaluation background and the reason.
Speculation on a renminbi revaluation is likely to stay in place for a while and this will prompt more hot money inflows.
As the textile clothing trade great nation, how faces the Renminbi revaluation, oneself becomes the question which we can not but ponder emphatically.
This article formed the mechanism on the exchange rate the reform and the Renminbi revaluation and the influence has carried on the comprehensive summary.
Well-known expert analysis, Mr. Li flow for steel, steel exports in renminbi revaluation would offer up, China's steel industry will be the cost advantage has weakened.
Therefore, the Renminbi revaluation will certainly to have the significant influence to the serious dependent international market exportation our country textile industry.
The renminbi yesterday reached a post-revaluation high against the US dollar, closing at 7.9587 and breaking the record set a day earlier.
Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) is constructed to evaluate quantitatively the impact of the revaluation of Chinese Renminbi (RMB) on China's economy.
Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) is constructed to evaluate quantitatively the impact of the revaluation of Chinese Renminbi on China's economy.
The subject of the Renminbi exchange become focus of people's concern recently because of pressure of Renmibi revaluation abroad and its anticipation.
There is also some speculation in the international capital increase, noting that the revaluation of the renminbi.
Frankly, some of the people who have strongly urged revaluation of the renminbi have not given much thought to the problems that may arise from it.
A revaluation of the renminbi, therefore, may end up helping Mexico more than the US.
China's exports have rebounded since December, which has provided ammunition for other countries led by the US to seek a revaluation of the renminbi.
China's exports have rebounded since December, which has provided ammunition for other countries led by the US to seek a revaluation of the renminbi.