Some hotels and rental car services only accept credit cards because it's easier, cheaper, and less of a risk to them than check cards.
A friend drove her to Atlanta, where she picked up a rental car.
A conversation with a clerk upon returning the rental car.
Flying, driving a rental car or taking a taxicab would fall into that category.
He started small, with suitcases and a rental car that he would drive up from Florida.
There are some points to consider and questions to ask when you reserve a rental car.
An hour later, we had the whole thing arranged: a rental car to take us to valparaiso.
My sweet friend, Zrinka, arranged for a rental car, which proved more difficult than usual.
The OTHER day I mentioned they have the Alamo here, which is named after a rental car company.
I thought about those times as I pulled my rental car into the Wyoming town where Michael now lives.
Taxi/rental car—Another locator service puts users in touch with nearby taxi and car rental services.
出租车/租车 - 这是另一个定位服务,帮助用户快速找到最近的出租车/租车服务。
My family's flight was delayed, so as we pulled up in our rental car, we were the last group to arrive.
Leads to Chicago Airport on the road to go a rental car, the vehicle excellent sits a Japanese tourist.
For opaque airfares and rental car deals, we negotiate some of the lowest published rates in the marketplace.
Police:We'll have the rental car towed to the agency. When you're in our country you have to respect our rules.
Beingspotted in economy class must be like having your parents visit you at boardingschool in a shitty rental car.
Kathy and Evan are in Amsterdam. They've returned their rental car and are now saying good-bye to Mrs. Van Helsing.
What a surprise, but then why would a rental car company name itself after some place where everyone gets wiped out?
After he and his wife drove 30 hours to Boston and they dropped off their rental car, they decided to take the city bus.
By the time I returned the rental car and got to my gate, I had a fraud alert message from my credit card company, U.S. Bank.
By the time I returned the rental car and got to my gate, I had a fraud alert message from my credit card company, U. S. Bank.
We climbed into her rental car and drove through Fayetteville, where rhododendrons bloomed pink against the gray morning.
We decided to buy a former rental car, only a year old, all the extras included, and best of all NO haggling - the price is the price!
If you've ever experienced the joy of being told that your rental car is a Toyota Corolla rather than a Chevrolet Impala, you know this.
If you're planning to arrive at night, have the rental car agency or hotel arrange for someone to accompany you to and from parking lots.
Changzhou City Canal Company through the car rental car rental industry certification, car rental offers a wide range of enterprises.
These were true Los Angeles moments - moments that most visitors, stuck in freeway traffic behind the steering wheel of their rental car, never get to experience.
All of our airline and rental car reservations are electronically transferred in real-time to our partners' systems and confirmations come back to us the same way.
All of our airline and rental car reservations are electronically transferred in real-time to our partners' systems and confirmations come back to us the same way.