Chapter 4 describes four issues in "MyShowBox" Grid Shop business:the overall rental rate;
In China, the present in almost all cities in the net rental rate is higher than any city in the world.
Within the 60-day period, changes made may carry an administration cost of 25% of the total Island Rental Rate.
The continuous rise in house prices, but rents have not been followed up, the rental rate of return on one or fall .
In recent years, Beijing rental rate manages hotel of 5 stars class basically in 70% the left and right sides, glide somewhat.
The guest house rental rate has exceeds 90% in hotspots such as Lushan and Jiuhuashan Mountains, and cities such as Luoyang and Qingdao.
So the rental rate has to be determined according to the special needs of potential customers and it differs greatly from that of the commercial houses.
Over-booking rental rate increase is a means, as a result of a small number of guests make up less than or early check-out the losses caused to the hotel.
Hotel of one star class is occupied than, each index such as rental rate and fixed assets yield all is the lowest in astral class hotel, serious hinder sb!
The economy can have multiple steady states, some with high asset value, rental rate, debt capacities, and economic activity, and others with lower values of each of these variables.
If you're buying a travel insurance bundled policy, some companies offer primary CDW coverage at a much lower rate than the rental companies charge.
The rate is expected to climb further in the fall and winter, when rental demand is weaker, pushing vacancies to the highest levels since Reis began its count in 1980.
The national vacancy rate is so high , why don't they gain some additional rental by renting?It seems that it doesn't prevent the sale of housing.
With each vehicle the system presents a base rate, which may be discounted based on the customer's rental profile.
Losses on commercial property tend to lag behind rises in the unemployment rate by a year or so, largely because lease terms protect landlords from immediate falls in rental income.
In New York City, the vacancy rate improved by 0.1 percentage point for the second straight quarter, but around 60% of rental buildings dropped rents in the fourth quarter from the previous quater.
In many instances land is not 'officially' for transfer (sale) because landlords see rental yields increasing at a very high rate.
Currently, Shanghai's industrial plant maintenance quarter of the average rent growth, or even some hot regions consecutive months rental vacancy rate of zero phenomenon.
The price fluctuation mechanism of farming land resources. farming land resources are influenced by rental, discount rate, supply and demand condition, and inflation rate.
Article 4 the Tax will be calculated on the residual value of the property at a rate of 1. 2%, or on the rental income from the property at a rate of 12%.
S. markets. The rate is expected to climb further in the fall and winter, when rental demand is weaker, pushing vacancies to the highest levels since Reis began its count in 1980.
S. markets. The rate is expected to climb further in the fall and winter, when rental demand is weaker, pushing vacancies to the highest levels since Reis began its count in 1980.