A judge this week agreed to rule on its reorganisation plan on December 8th.
This reorganisation leads to dramatic improvements in efficiency and productivity.
As part of the reorganisation, Mylyn is creating some second-level projects of its own.
He maintains that a steady reorganisation of the business can extract a constant stream of big savings.
Indeed, a month ago, bankers worried that the reorganisation of "Dubai Inc" still might not go far enough.
In Britain this week David Cameron announced yet another reorganisation of the National Health Service.
If those negotiations do falter, Dubai World's fate will be governed by a brand new "reorganisation law".
Ten districts have already been slated for reorganisation. Rutland, with 124 students, is one of many near the brink.
It was fundamental that we should fight for citizenship and for a profound reorganisation of economic and social life.
Will Mr Lansley’s grand design end up as yet another distracting reorganisation, or is he thinking along the right lines?
兰斯利先生的宏伟计划最终会不会变成又一场令人困惑不已的机构改组? 换句话说,兰斯利先生有没有沿着正轨考虑问题?
But it will not be easy to persuade people to vote for a vague promise of civic reorganisation, without the powers to match.
As a result there is much talk of an impending industry reorganisation, which would need to happen before 3g licences were issued.
"The (express delivery) industry has entered a phase of reorganisation and upgrading, " said Essence Securities analyst Jiang Ming.
快递行业进入了重组和升级的阶段。 目前,各家快递公司在服务标准方面没有太大区别。
Reorganisation and cutbacks have meant that the institutions with which I have been working are not taking on as many agency staff as they were.
It involved some 200km (125 miles) of dedicated bus lanes, and the wholesale reorganisation of bus routes to integrate them with the city's metro.
The dump they worked at was shut down last year, as part of a reorganisation of waste disposal that has already seen three contracts given to private firms.
This version represents an evolution of Jetty 6.0, and represents a significant reorganisation of the codebase as well as numerous performance improvements.
该版本不仅代表了Jetty 6.0的一次演变,而且还代表了代码库的重大调整和诸多性能改进。
On July 25th the company announced a reorganisation, reducing its number of business units from six to four in a bid to simplify its management and boost profits.
People are wearying of frantic reorganisation as well as the added toil—floods of memos and meetings, endless reshuffles, the exhortations to do more with less.
GM's chief executive, Fritz Henderson, is hoping for a swift reorganisation allowing a slimmed-down version of the Detroit manufacturer to emerge from bankruptcy within 60 to 90 days.
ADDO Chamber Orchestra was established two years ago, and initially performed works from the 20th century, but after a reorganisation last year, decided to explore early music as well.
BP also fired the head of its exploration division and said it is undergoing a big reorganisation of its safety operations ahead of the arrival of Robert Dudley, its new boss, on October 1st.
BP also fired the head of its exploration division and said it is undergoing a big reorganisation of its safety operations ahead of the arrival of Robert Dudley, its new boss, on October 1st.