Debt preservation system is a civil law system that guarantees the repayment of debt by way of maintaining the value of the debtor's liability assets.
If creditors lose faith in their borrowers, they will demand the repayment of existing debt or refuse to renew old loans.
It is merely an alternative form of repayment by the debtor for the debt he contracted.
For example, consumer debt service (repayment of principal and interest) is less than 12 percent of disposable income, down from almost 14 percent in 2007, reports the Fed.
Tomorrow is the deadline for owners of Greek debt to agree to a haircut on their debt by extending the repayment schedule out a few years.
Credit worthiness includes many variables, including repayment habits; the number of open credit facilities a person currently has, debt to income ratio and credit history.
Spain, the market's latest punching bag after Greece, successfully raised cash from the bond markets both this week and last, easing concerns about a big debt repayment due at the end of this month.
Ulysses Grant and his Republican successors put repayment of the Civil War debt at the top of their priorities list.
International flows of aid - grossly inadequate in themselves, and well below the levels promised - are dwarfed by the scale of many poor countries' debt repayment obligations.
Instead, card companies will contact customers who repeatedly make only the minimum repayment and make clear that this is the most expensive way of paying off a debt.
If the money value of the property mortgaged or used as security for other kinds of obligations exceeds the amount of loans secured, the surplus shall go to the bankrupt property for debt repayment.
A temporary, conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for performance of an obligation or repayment of a debt.
Perhaps Greece could lease a few of its islands to help with its debt crisis in lieu of repayment of its foreign debt.
The amount of matured long-term debt is large and the repayment of long-term debt will reduce the current assets of the company. It is difficult to cover the overheads.
The downgrade reflected "the deteriorating debt repayment capability of the UK and the difficulty in improving its sovereign credit level in a moderately long term in the future," it said.
Huge amount of debts leads to debt repayment difficulties, default risk isan important cause of the debt crisis broke out.
It refers to the senior debt which rank is ahead of ordinary share capital will enjoy the first repayment in the case of default.
With its current overall economic strength, the country is fully capable of bearing such deficit and debt levels. The debt repayment ability of China's finance is being enhanced day by day.
The most important factor that influences the size of public debt is dweller's savings, GDP, repayment of capital and interest of public debt, financial deficit.
The incentives for consumers to keep paying the mortgage decrease if properties are worth less than the value of the loan; card debt rises higher up the list of repayment priorities as a result.
No sovereign debt contracts provide for unilateral shortening of the repayment period based on the fact that the creditor needs its money sooner than anticipated.
Debt Consolidation gives you the power to get out of debt with the help of a Certified debt Repayment Representative.
Stipulating the procedure of dealing with debt is active repayment, consulting and mediating repayment, arbitrating or lawsuit is repayment.
Only after the confirmation of the provision of debt funds can the SAFE issue the "approval document concerning the repayment of loan and interest".
Only after the confirmation of the provision of debt funds can the SAFE issue the "approval document concerning the repayment of loan and interest".