Ants store food, repel attackers and use chemical signals to contact one another in case of attack.
After people have learned that magnets attract things, centuries passed after they took note of the fact that magnets sometimes also repel things.
Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf said yesterday there was no danger of the country going to war with neighboring India, but that Pakistani forces would be ready to repel any aggression.
They prepared to repel the invaders.
The fabrics are coated with nano-sized particles that repel stains.
As these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other.
How can teeny, tiny ants repel a big old elephant, which is, after all, about a billion times more massive?
Under normal circumstances, the particles in STFs repel each other slightly.
This happens because the insulating layer is hydrophobic, meaning it tends to repel water.
So, to repel the chastisement of his superiors, as well as the coming winter, he buys a new coat.
Most important advantage is that having three cups of the hot beverage daily can repel heart disease.
Like poles repel, and the repulsion between the two fields is strong enough to make the metal distort.
News of the layoffs is just the company's latest misstep, and threatens to repel potential job candidates.
With strength from above, you will be strong enough to repel the voice inside of your head that tries to put you down.
The more you get to know a person, the more you become aware of weaknesses, habits, or personality traits which repel you.
Fusing heavy hydrogen isotopes requires lots of energy, partly because the nuclei are positively charged and repel each other.
The motions become linked due to the electrostatic interactions of the positively charged ions, which tend to repel each other.
Some Amazon villagers wear high leather boots called botas escuerzas to repel attacks by the highly territorial Amazon horned frog.
The self cleaning technology can repel dust when sensors detect concentrations on the panel's surface have reached a critical level.
If the film gets too thin, the diffuse charge clouds overlap and repel, just as two neutral atoms do when their electron clouds interact.
They would be guilty of an assault on federal property: was it not then justifiable to repel those who had dared to fire on the American flag?
他们南方州邦将因袭击联邦财 产而获罪:然后击退这些胆敢向美国国旗开火之人不就有理由了?
Now technology can help mere mortals breathe underwater like Aquaman, repel bullets like Superman, and even manipulate the weather like Storm.
Like two magnets that repel one another, so two people in a marriage relationship have areas where they just don't automatically come together.
Insecticide-treated nets are mosquito nets treated with insecticides which repel, disable or kill the vector mosquitoes which transmit malaria.
Hydrophobic coatings, like Teflon, are then needed to repel the water and stream it as quickly as possible to a reservoir so it does not evaporate.
PC console game: a tower defense game became popular in 2009, which involves a homeowner using many varieties of plants to repel an army of zombies.
The Book of the Dead was an illustrated guide to this landscape, as well as a survival kit of spells to repel dangers and get the gods on your side.
The Book of the Dead was an illustrated guide to this landscape, as well as a survival kit of spells to repel dangers and get the gods on your side.