Liya Kebede is currently a "face" of Estée Lauder - the first woman of colour to represent the brand in its 59 year history.
"Green is heavily used in the interior because it's the client's favourite colour, name of the company - but also to represent the natural elements brought into the space," said the studio.
Is:... which opens up another dimension because one's usual expectation of colour in photography is that it will represent the factual truth of the world.
Pages booklet: including warm colour pictures, the main elements are "paper plane, grains, girl, constellation, railway, flower and bride", they represent the childhood memories.
小册子8张: 分别纳入暖色系的图片,以“纸飞机,稻穗,少女,12星座,铁路,花朵,新娘”为元素,是童年记忆。
Pages booklet: including warm colour pictures, the main elements are "paper plane, grains, girl, constellation, railway, flower and bride", they represent the childhood memories.
小册子8张: 分别纳入暖色系的图片,以“纸飞机,稻穗,少女,12星座,铁路,花朵,新娘”为元素,是童年记忆。