This cation feels the repulsive force of the cation over here.
Dark energy creates a repulsive force that counters gravity and is now tearing apart space-time.
Surfactants with ionizable heads are key to creating a repulsive force that counteracts the van der Waals attraction and thus stabilizes a soap film.
The growth of these structures was initially driven only by the attractive force of gravity, but then later there was competition with the repulsive force of dark energy.
Recent calculations suggest that close to the big bang, the fabric of space and time was so contorted that it flipped gravity into reverse, producing a repulsive force.
In our team architecture, we use attractive force and repulsive force to choose movement direction for a player.
In electrostatic field, the charges on the isolated conductor surface are repelled by the other charges, which is defined as surface repulsive force discussed in this paper.
And, that's given by the balance between the attractive force of the ions offset by the repulsive force in the electronic shells.
Combining the motion information into the repulsive force function, which transform the static artificial field function to the dynamic artificial field function.
Role of the cavity field, the electrostatic repulsive force at the domain boundary and self-enhanced diffraction light induced by physical imperfection on laser-induced surface damage are discussed.
The influence of molecular repulsive force in the properties of real gas was discussed through the analysis with Van der Weals equation.
The effect of this would be to educe the net negative charge and thus lower the repulsive force seen in Figure 1.
The main findings including: (1) Housing problem has become the main repulsive force for floating populations to enter into the city, and increased their migration costs.
Two new models are compared with the simple repulsive force model, and the dominant role of long-range hydrodynamic force and short-range interactions are established in different cases.
Two new models are compared with the simple repulsive force model, and the dominant role of long-range hydrodynamic force and short-range interactions are established in different cases.