I recall an incident in a handball game when a referee refused a player's request for a time out for a glove change because he did not consider them wet enough.
The server has to respond to the request and figure out a response to populate the content-length response header, so you don't save any processing time.
This timeout value is the maximum amount of time that the client that sends a search request can wait for a response before timing out.
The benchmark sent a request for 200 stocks to the server and measured the amount of time from when the request went out to when the data was ready to be used to create the Adapter for the ListView.
If your JVM is swapped out of memory, GAE must spend additional time to start your entire application the next time a request comes in.
This implies that a response to a request is either received or not received (e.g., in case of a time out) when the description of the use case continues.
In Part 2, we will flesh out this application such that we can request more real-time data and discuss some of the server-side considerations of building a mobile application.
For example, when it takes a considerable amount of time to process the request, the transport channel might time out.
What this rule of thumb tries to accomplish is to give a downstream component the opportunity to time out on a request before a component further up the call stack does.
What happens when your Web service request times-out, or takes a really long time to respond?
In the simplest form, you can send an echo request to a host and find out the response time (see Listing 1).
Now that you have a request out there, it is time to look at some of the different options that you have to find it. There are two basic ways to monitor requests.
I recall an incident in a handball game when a referee refused a player's request for a time out for a glove change because he did not considered then wet enough.
Please note that it may take a few days to process your opt-out request and you may continue to receive promotional or marketing messages during this time.
A request checks out a connection the first time it needs to access the database and then checks the connection back in at the end of the request.
By setting a time-out interval, you can make sure that a pending network call returns control reliably, instead of waiting for the underlying network stack to time out the request.
By setting a time-out interval, you can make sure that a pending request returns based on a time interval that you specify, instead of waiting for the asynchronous communication layer to time out.
If you have any other request for mailing process, please feel free to contact the owner. As the owner has a full time job, the sold items are usually mailed out over the weekend.
店主因有全职工作,故通常只能在周末发货。希凉解 店主仅负担国内平邮邮资 ,如买家有其他邮寄要求,请与店主联系。本店特色经营各类国外原版杂志,书籍,欢迎选购。
If you have any other request for mailing process, please feel free to contact the owner. As the owner has a full time job, the sold items are usually mailed out over the weekend.
店主因有全职工作,故通常只能在周末发货。希凉解 店主仅负担国内平邮邮资 ,如买家有其他邮寄要求,请与店主联系。本店特色经营各类国外原版杂志,书籍,欢迎选购。