Request code : This code contains information about target computer, number of channels and type of product requested.
An example would be if two users start test runs and also request code coverage data from the same assembly at the same time.
First, we check the request ID code; if it does not match the request code we were given earlier, the event must be a response to another plug-in's request, and so we ignore it.
But in this simple example, you're always only passing in one ZIP code value per request.
It takes minimal effort to ensure that the server not only finished with a request, but returned an "Everything is OK" status code.
It is very RESTfully designed, so you can use any code that can request data from a URL.
After successfully processing this request, the service returns a response with the status code 201.
After successfully processing this request, the service returns a response with the status code 200.
In keeping with the prior examples, we will display the referrer and resource of a hit, but only when the request has a status code of 200 (and referrer is available).
You can use the output from this custom code module in the HTTP request that you use for the movie search.
It also explains the difference between programming by contract and defensive programming with a clever situation where your customers request that the framework code do the checking.
While some browsers will call the function only when the request is complete, other browsers will call back continuously to tell the code that the request is still running.
On the server side, code must unwrap the request to determine the call/parameters, then execute the call, receive the response, rewrap the response, and return it to the client.
The example code in listing 4 shows the HTTP request to create a document with custom fields.
After successfully processing this request, the service returns a response with a status code 201.
From the widget's perspective, the code issues a request and expects the return format as JSON.
There are likely to be categories of service that require the same types of request handling so ideally, you want to impose request handling based on policies rather than code it into each request.
The browser sends a request to the server, and the event code executes.
After issuing the query, the code checks for a request parameter for a format element.
The handling code would process the request and prepare some response message that is posted to an output queue.
The next line of the SPARQL code describes the query request.
Empty response with different status code: the response of the PUT request will not have any content, but will have a different status code.
You need to escape the special characters of the request with the two lines of code in Listing 9.
This is the code that actually forwards a URL request to the proper resource.
The server will typically execute the request fulfillment code on behalf of the client.
Because as soon as the request is complete, the code is called, and I fill in the page.
It builds the URI, sets the request headers, and invokes the request in one line of code.
This CityStateLookup web service accepts up to five ZIP code values in one request.
此CityStateLookupWeb services在一次请求中最多可以接受五个邮政区码值。
As mentioned earlier, the web service processes up to five ZIP code lookups in one request.
As mentioned earlier, the web service processes up to five ZIP code lookups in one request.