If you require information regarding the Shanghai train schedules, you can call 16088188 for assistance.
For example, as in Figure 1, a Web services component might require information from an existing application.
Typically, network programs require information about all the network interfaces and IP addresses available on the system.
The reason that this is required is that an XML document might require information other than the business data and names — such as an XML declaration.
A new and better way to get a bunch of different software programs to work together so people can do things that require information from each of those systems.
The changes made are to require information in financial statements to be aggregated on the basis of shared characteristics and to introduce a statement of comprehensive income.
On the other hand, the user application will require information on the underlying slices as well some degree of control, for example, to target some queries to a specific subset of active slices.
Objective To apply IC as digital identity and electronic cash card in hospital in order to optimize the medical circuit and to offer more convenient shortcut for patients to require information.
That sort of news can affect our share price, so SOX may require us to disclose this information.
In this case, exception processing might require aggregation of the exception information on the business transaction level.
This may require an adapter to massage or reformat information for the process with the larger scope.
For example, certain log events that impact financial data or personal information might require an acknowledgement because this log event is part of a larger transaction.
But editing does not require creating an account or disclosing any personal information.
All interactions with the accounting tool require the availability of this information.
This class of compression schemes does not require the availability of the schema information for encoding and decoding processes.
All Publish API messages require authenticated access information, whereas the Inquiry API messages do not.
For example, an analytical application might require sales information contained in a large fact table to be retrieved by product, by region, and by date (three dimensions).
After a user has been authenticated with a particular Web site, a standard mechanism passes that information to other cooperating sites that require the user's authentication information.
Yet it may require pulling information from different systems, such as the company-owned warehouse and the carrier tracking system.
Effective information integration, retrieval, and exchange require agreed standards.
Apart from this, color contrast can be deliberately used to draw the visual attention of users to relevant UI elements that feature important information or require inputs.
BPEL4WS enabled WSDL definitions require some additional information and since this WSDL file will be used in the BPEL4WS process, it requires a service link definition to be added to the file.
Its purpose is to get as much of management together as possible to make sure everyone (the team and managers) has all the information they require.
The verb attribute is for commands such as "Create" or "Delete," which some information systems require.
Learning new information does not require new neurons; it simply requires that existing neurons connect in new ways.
Today's corporate information needs and products require rich documentation sets that frequently use the same information in different contexts.
WSDL documents are designed to be machine readable, and while they are also readable by humans, teams looking to reuse services typically require additional information.
In addition to an initial membership fee, bars collect customer information and require photo identification on joining.
Work items with a blank policy set are assigned a named policy set by the first service to require that information.
These shifts in the way we relate to personal information require serious consideration in many aspects of our social and legal lives.