Any excess of actual reserves above required reserves.
As of October 9, the Federal reserve began paying interest on excess and required reserves.
Xia, a former vice governor of the central bank, also said that the country could afford to further raise required reserves.
Williams from Capital Economics said the central bank is likely to loosen credit controls by the end of the year, and may also cut the level of required reserves in the banking system.
The deposit expansion factor for a given amount of new reserves isthus the reciprocal of the required reserve percentage (1/.10 = 10).
The required reserve ratio (or reserve requirement) is a bank regulation that sets the minimum reserves each bank must hold to customer deposits and notes.
And on Monday, the Fed said it would begin to pay interest on Banks' excess reserves and required reserve requirements.
The money to buy foreign bonds has come from the reserves required that commercial banks must deposit with the central bank.
rnason and his colleagues argue that to avert a collapse, large marine reserves where fishing is prohibited are required.
For example, if reserves of 20 percentwere required, deposits could expand only until they were five times as largeas reserves.
That's why so many have fallen, unlike commercial banks that are required to keep reserves against potential losses.
China boosted the required level of reserves that banks must deposit with the central bank, for the fourth time this year.
Effective Tuesday, China's central bank said, the amount of cash that commercial Banks are required to set aside as reserves will be reduced.
Over the next few years, Banks will also be required to build up their core financial reserves in an effort to reduce the risk of them overextending themselves by lending too much.
Excess reserves refer to the part of deposits that surpasses required reserve.
Reserve Requirement - The percentage of deposits that banks are required to keep in reserves and not give out as loans.
Star Cruises reserves the right to refuse to embark any passenger whose condition is made known prior to sailing and shall not be required to refund any portion of the fare paid by such passenger.
As a responsible department, it has urged that "decisive action is required" to safe guard the survival of the rich and various life forms in South Africa wildlife reserves.
The Accounting Regulation for Business Enterprises"has required that business enterprises should estimate eight items of reserves for devaluation of assets."
The Accounting Regulation for Business Enterprises"has required that business enterprises should estimate eight items of reserves for devaluation of assets."