The challenge for software development teams is not in creating a single artifact (source code, requirement, or test case) but rather in understanding the relationships between those artifacts.
This example shows a test case added for the navigation panel referenced in the requirement added previously (see Figure 8).
This is a quite common requirement for setting up a test environment or a disaster-recovery site.
The key is to pass the test, face the test for what it is, recognize that this is your training for life and the necessary requirement for a great marriage.
There should be test cases for each requirement that proves that the requirement has been met.
Simultaneously on the RequisitePro tool side of the integration, business analysts can browse the associated test cases for each requirement after refreshing the comprehensive matrix.
A regression keyword for a requirement for which you want to build out an automated regression test case.
A performance keyword for a requirement for which you need to develop a performance test, or which might tie into a performance test based on some aspect of the requirement.
The Requirements status by Execution report shows the status of the work items for each requirement in a test plan.
RequirementsStatusby Execution报告显示了测试计划中每个需求的工作项的状态。
We wanted to test for performance, reliability, stability and the requirement to achieve the fastest failover time with a target failover time below 60 seconds.
Nor must bottled water companies test water with certified laboratories, a requirement for tap water suppliers.
In recent years, the SBI test has become a standard requirement in Europe for the fire and smoke behaviour of building components.
The ability to integrate the test tools with the Eclipse ClearQuest Perspective to execute and log test results will be a critical requirement for the testers.
The reason why a given test is created is called a test motivator (for example, a specific requirement must be validated).
An SOA keyword for a requirement that you might want to test at the Web service interface level.
The test command is very powerful, but somewhat unwieldy given its requirement for escaping and given the difference between string and arithmetic comparisons.
The second is the exam for you is very simple, that is to say, you have depth of content than the test requirement for some "deep".
J-M prediction model hypothesis of software reliability needs a stricter requirement for reliability test data and it is not so consistent with the fact.
软件可靠性J - M预计模型对可靠性测试数据的假设要求比较严格,与实际情况不太符合。
The test for the evaluation system of the high cut slope stability projected is made; and the result indicates the evaluation methods do meet the Precision requirement.
Design for test is an important process in the chip design nowadays, testability design of wireless chip needs a much higher requirement of test technology.
Flexible and easy data exchange for test requirement is critical to the open of ATS (Automatic test System).
The article analyzes test methods for parts to follow the envelope requirement or maximum material requirement, as well as further requirements of geometrical tolerances for its central feature.
According to the requirement of the tools test parameter and craft test parameter, have done the design and analysis for the subsystem parts.
I have sat for a TOEIC test after I joined ETS China because this is a requirement of the company.
How many test cases are defined for each requirement?
With the reference of the test purpose and requirement for high pressure gas bottle, the systems for airproof, fatigue, water pressure and blast test are worked out.
With the reference of the test purpose and requirement for high pressure gas bottle, the systems for airproof, fatigue, water pressure and blast test are worked out.