What to do: This condition requires evaluation by an otolaryngologist, who can look at your nose, mouth, and throat to see what's interrupting your breathing and how to repair that process.
We might not be quite happy with how we look or we might know that our lifestyle requires some improvement but we are still comfortable in our present condition.
No country requires proof of cholera vaccination as a condition for entry, and the international certificate of vaccination no longer provides a space for recording cholera vaccination.
This condition is ideal for document centric flows, whereas integration centric processes are better supported by a "programmer-oriented" language such as WS-BPEL, which requires loops.
此条件最适合于文档中心流,而“面向程序员”的语言(如需要循环的WS - BPEL)可更好地支持集成中心流程。
The condition first came to the attention of the medical community when a Swiss woman tried to cross the border into the United States, which requires non-citizens to be fingerprinted upon entry.
这一情况第一次引起医学界的重视是一位瑞士的女士试图入境美国的时候。 入境是需要采集非本国公民的指纹的。
With diseases like diabetes, which requires a lot of self-care, poor management can lead to more complications, which in turn can feed back and exacerbate the mental-health condition.
For example, the default invariant condition for a field requires the field to be non-null.
Additionally, the existential nature of the XQuery general comparison predicates requires attention when you express a "between" condition.
It is important to treat this condition as early and aggressively as possible to prevent a serious infection that requires antibiotic treatment.
A condition is more serious, probably because the steel deformation caused by, this requires the owner to a professional repair shop to check.
It is a complex and systematic project, it not only needs inside condition to assure it, but also requires outside factors to support it.
The proof of its unconditionally stable requires no damping matrix to satisfying the condition of the orthogonality of modes.
The system requires two improvements: (1) the ability to counter the severe communication condition of low-voltage power line and (2) the ability to transmit music signal.
Whereas the process flow of small high efficiency oil removal device requires higher using condition and after filtation the water quality is easy to exceed standard.
Although some dietary supplements that contain calcium are allowed to claim to "reduce the risk of osteoporosis", claims to fight or treat the condition directly requires approval by the FDA.
It is shown that for MIMO systems with an equal channel impulse length for different users, the algorithm requires a weaker identifiability condition.
Although our law has given a clear stipulation toward the composite condition of self-defense, judicial practice requires further perfection of legislation.
While requires the condition to be a Boolean and!
Our kingdoms have no need for occupations, other than obtaining food, and we have often felt deep sorrow for the state of the human condition that requires jobs, housing and other physical needs.
The accomplishment of the ability requires some kind of learning process, and this learning process is regarded as an external condition.
An on-board cell Condition Monitor alerts operations if the measurement cell requires cleaning.
In this condition, scarring and inflammation in lung tissue make breathing difficult, and the infant often requires prolonged mechanical ventilation and hospitalization.
Combustion analyse of ICE under transient condition requires a large amount data. That means the performance of the ICE combustion data acquisition system must be promoted.
According to the statement condition of the most common definition of lying, lying requires that a person make a statement.
Current technology requires determining the well condition from single-curve plots and generic alerts.
Current technology requires determining the well condition from single-curve plots and generic alerts.