I've worked as italian teacher, translator on mobile phone related materials, marketing research interviewer, radon gas collectors assembler.
Interject thoughts and comments about the business that you discovered from your research when opportunities arise. Ask questions of the interviewer when appropriate.
And it might encourage you to know that research shows that if you mirror the behavior of the interviewer, you are more likely to get the job.
One of the most important things you can do before stepping foot in the office is to do your research on the interviewer.
Demonstrating at an interview that you've done a little research will always impress the interviewer.
In the research interview the roles are asymmetric, the interviewer is mostly in the role of listener and questioner, and the interviewee is mostly the speaker and respondent.
In the research interview the roles are asymmetric, the interviewer is mostly in the role of listener and questioner, and the interviewee is mostly the speaker and respondent.