Bialystok, 62, is a distinguished research professor of psychology at York University in Toronto, Canada.
Manjong Han is an assistant research professor in the department of cell and molecular biology at Tulane University.
Anthony P. Carnevale is a research professor and the director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.
Edward O. Wilson is University Research Professor Emeritus and Honorary Curator in Entomology of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University.
爱德华·o·威尔逊(Edward o . Wilson)哈佛大学的荣誉研究教授兼比较动物学昆虫馆的名誉馆长。
The advances that result from the research Professor Brown's team is doing on design rationale will have an effect on how we construct and maintain software.
Elicitation Xi 'an Normal inquiry teaching is more than twenty years of painstaking research Professor Zhang Xiongfei crystallization of teaching methods.
"Couples who do not have children also show diminished marital quality over time," says Scott Stanley, research professor of psychology at University of Denver.
We asked fish expert and National Geographic Fellow Zeb hogan-also an assistant research professor at the University of nevada-to put this giant discovery into perspective.
However, Paul Green, a research professor at University of Michigan's Transportation research Institute, is skeptical as to whether the app is addressing the biggest safety concerns.
The research, which appears in the Journal of Family psychology, was conducted by Galena Rhoades, senior researcher, Scott Stanley, research professor, and Howard Markman, professor of psychology.
这份刊登在家庭心理学杂志上的研究,是由Galena Rhoades高级研究人员、ScottStanley研究教授、和Howard Markman心理学教授共同完成的。
As Professor O'Keefe pointed out, "This research provides a useful direction for organizations whose products and services call for integrated and creative solutions."
Professor Henderson, could you give us a brief overview of what you do, where you work and your main area of research?
A chronicle professor, Henry Louis Gates, recently studied a research project looking into 19th century African-American fiction and poetry.
"In the last 20 years or so, there's been a virtual explosion of research on bilingualism," says Judith Kroll, a professor at the University of California, Riverside.
W. David Stahlman, a professor of psychology at UCLA, recently purchased one machine to use in his research on hermit crab behavior.
Professor Tu Youyou never stops doing research on Chinese medicine, does she?
Associate professor yu xiuying's research achievements have formed a feature in the 20th century parleyvoo.
Research by Daniel Willingham, Ph.D., a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, showed that repetition increases the probability of success.
Professor Wu Ran last month published research on thermal breeder reactor energy yields from a variety of fuels.
One of the most prominent is a software development system created by computer-science professor Charles Leiserson and his Supertech Research Group.
To disrupt yourself, for example, Professor Christensen's research would typically prescribe setting up a separate company that eventually goes on to defeat the parent.
Professor Huggins was diligent enough to obtain a diploma in space research.
Commenting on the research, Professor Thomas Becker of the Brain and Mind research Institute at the University of Sydney says the research is' quite interesting and very well done '.
If you want to become a research physicist or professor, you must get a Ph.D., which usually involves 4 to 5 years (sometimes more), and involves publishing original research.
They're very fragile and delicate, " said Min Xu, a paper coauthor and research assistant professor at the Feinberg School.
它们很脆弱。” 许敏说,她是文章的合著者,也是费英堡学院的研究助理教授。
Keizo Yamada, an emeritus professor at Kobe University, is a famous research scholar of Lu Hsun in Japan.
Scott Gates is director of the Centre for the Study of Civil War at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo, and a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Research by Daniel Willingham, Ph. D. , a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, showed that repetition increases the probability of success.
Research by Daniel Willingham, Ph. D. , a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, showed that repetition increases the probability of success.