The Eradicator Hexapod's initial weapons are plasma discs that resemble closely the Devastator Warship's weapon.
Sometimes, however, the crystal form of the silicate inclusions is observed to resemble more closely the internal structure of diamond than that of other silicate minerals.
The brain cells containing these mRNA's can then be isolated and their mRNA's decoded to determine just what their protein products are and how closely the products resemble the true peptide hormones.
It could barely be described as an Impressionist work, so closely does it resemble a classic portrait of the 19th century.
The dumbbells most people exercise with today more closely resemble heavy hand-bells with their clappers taken out.
To him, the world's most popular web-search engine would closely resemble the Napoleonic France that in his youth humiliated Austria and Europe's other powers.
And because those artifacts closely resemble others from nearby sites previously carbon-dated to about 9000 B.C., Schmidt and co-workers estimate that Gobekli Tepe's stone structures are the same age.
The U.S., the eurozone and the U.K.might more closely resemble the frog in a pot of ever-so-gradually hotter water.
Your staging environment should resemble your production environment as closely as possible with each server type and integration point represented.
However, during the initial load, the input data might have duplicate entries, where details from one record closely resemble those from another.
Jones and her colleagues plan to conduct more studies with greater mixes of species, in an environment that would more closely resemble the natural world.
The obvious result was that the three use cases came to resemble one another closely, and from that you can expect reduced training requirements and fewer defects due to human error.
MDA is also developing and constructing a Test Bed that will allow it to conduct rigorous EKV tests at angles, speeds, and conditions that closely resemble operational scenarios.
In the absence of a way to determine which of these two service names more closely resemble the input service name, the registry will encounter a serious problem.
The solution to the problem described above is to provide a ranking system for the constructed service names based on how closely they resemble the input name of the service.
As we've seen, there are many types of developers in the field. Which do you most closely resemble?
The researchers claim only to have made “cells that closely resemble beta cells.”
These costumes cover the cosplayer's entire body - note the stockings over their hands and feet - so as to more closely resemble the character in question.
Researchers believe the stone artefacts, house structure and animal remains more closely resemble items found at Siberia's Ushki Lake than anything from America's lower 48 states.
Indeed, their way of life is thought by many anthropologists to resemble quite closely that of pre-agricultural people throughout the world.
The conditions in a proto star resemble far more closely in situation in red giants most of whose volume is caught up in stormy convection.
To more closely resemble his young self, Anwar dyes his hair and gets new teeth.
The conditions in a protostar resemble far more closely in situation in red giants, most of whose volume is caught up in stormy convection.
Meanwhile, other researchers are content to work with things that more closely resemble natural components, although they still assemble them in unconventional ways.
They closely resemble each other in appearance.
The tattooist, surnamed Guo, was touched and promised the father to create a tattoo that will resemble the scar as closely as possible.
The tattooist, surnamed Guo, was touched and promised the father to create a tattoo that will resemble the scar as closely as possible.