In California, where population growth has averaged more than 600,000 a year for at least a decade, more residential housing is being built.
Consumption figures also exclude spending on residential housing.
Chengdu lift your apartment will be a multi-storey residential housing you choose?
To the west, the new rue Jorge Semprun, is lined with studio apartments and residential housing.
In the price analysis of the local market, we select Beijing and Shanghai's residential housing price indices.
Residential housing construction includes single-family houses, multi-family dwellings, and high-rise apartments.
The first property taxes on residential housing in several decades have come into effect in Shanghai and chongqing.
Sales contract of residential housing, in essence, is a forward sales contract of real estate with a fixed subject.
This study presents a method for analysing the dynamics of both floor area and material use in residential housing.
First and foremost, favorable conditions existed for the residential housing market in the period between 2002 and 2005.
Also borrowers in the residential housing market have basically no principal-agent problems since they buy for themselves;
Last week's RBA housing approval data showed residential housing approvals gained 1.5 per cent in May, the second monthly increase.
The Chengdu area residential housing construction of natural ventilation redirected guarantor comfortable feeling of energy saving measures.
If this turns out to be true, then it would be a rare situation, wherein it would benefit both homeowners and residential housing investors.
General layout of residential housing units to has the best view, create ecological design, interior space with green, water, courtyard, etc.
Their specific treatment of volume, apertures, and overall geometry interested us as tools to estrange conventional ideas of residential housing.
It said China should support home buying and cut the tax on residential housing transactions, among the tasks to do in the final quarter of 2008.
I have been living in the us for 20 years. I see a major movement is under way that is going to change the whole residential housing industry here.
It is exactly a basic point of departure of this text to probe into the system of urban residential housing which meets industrialized construction.
The prices of urban residential housing can fully display the degree of population agglomeration, direction of capital flow and consumers' preferences.
The design evolves around the prime beach location with a central pedestrian boardwalk that services both the low and midrise residential housing blocks.
The height between floors is 3.2 meters, halfway between the standard height for residential housing (2.8 meters) and that for office buildings (3.5 meters).
This paper addresses the issue of demand and supply for residential housing in urban China since the late 1980s when the urban housing market became commercialized.
The meeting, held Friday, agreed on pro-growth measures such as support of home-buying and a cut in the tax on residential housing transactions, the statement said.
The paper expounds necessity and possibility of establishing housing credit system and points out practical strategies in establishing residential housing credit system.
The paper expounds necessity and possibility of establishing housing credit system and points out practical strategies in establishing residential housing credit system.