She escaped their clutches and called upon the native Gungans of Naboo to join with a growing resistance force.
Based on experimental teaching experience, the resistance force-measured device used in power lathe is designed.
The utility model relates to a caster wheel of furniture article which can reduce mobile resistance force of chair.
The inner maximum resistance force and the maximum stress of the specimen decreases as the deformation temperature increasing.
The antiskid shoe cover achieves the antiskid effect through the resistance force generated by the iron tips at the shoe bottom.
Taking Charade rear absorber as an example, the structure of Charade absorber and the composition of resistance force is analyzed.
An automatic detection device was developed to measure the frictional resistance force between the tracks on the brackets of car seats.
This paper mainly studies the road pavement resistance force and the end anchoring performance of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP).
Two live wire contacting points on the sliding plate are in flat form, which reduces resistance force when the bulb is screwed, and the bulb is uneasy to be damaged.
During the pitching motion, the resistance force, weight of the pitching arm and the contraction force of muscles set up a combination force along the pivot of the humerus.
In the cross piercing process, as the piercing precession power can not overcome the resistance force, it will lead to rear-jamming when rolling thick-wall tubes or high alloy tubes.
Although the resistance force increase of series nozzles makes the average energy of jet flow decreased but it lets the instantaneous energy modulated to impel more fluid resonances.
The influence of the resistance force on the boiler system operation is discussed, and measures to reduce the operational resistance force for the bag dust collector were put forward.
The productivity formulas of branch horizontal wells which have or not have common joint are derived by applying conformal transformation and isopleth map of percolation resistance force.
Volume effect is in the case of the plastic processing system with vibration, under this process the deformation resistance force of materials is reduced, and the deformation rate is risen.
It is the first time that the cutting force as an additional force which put into the calculation of interior resistance force of track group and the resistance force when climbing the slope;
The simulation results show that intelligent control can obtain the continuous controlling current for MRdampers, consequently, the resistance force of MR dampers can also be adjusted continuously.
However, the extent to which these factors affect the lateral resistance force of the wall differs. The wall aspect ratio and the stud space are the main factors that affect the lateral performance.
Drag is the force of air resistance pushing against a ball's motion and slowing it down, while lift is a force causing a ball to swerve off a straight path.
Sensors can analyse the surface of materials and, using the amount of resistance they show, work out the force to apply to an object.
Codex also created a Task Force to address the issue of antimicrobial resistance in food of animal origin.
The spread of localised resistance is a force that some fear could sink Europe's attempts to build 10 to 12 demonstration projects for carbon capture and storage (CCS) by 2015.
If an arm is stretched forward under water resistance is increased and a reaction force back ward is developed both of which would contribute to negative acceleration.
For blood to circulate, the heart must generate enough force to overcome the resistance it meets as the passageways become smaller and smaller.
Distributive regularities of inner force of pile under static and dynamic load, the change of pile's side resistance, and settlement of piles are analyzed by static and dynamic load test.
When oil enters the hole of water-wet sandstone driven by pressure difference, oil migrates following a line of less resistance because of the migration force of oil is bigger than that of water.
If he physically resists, I will go up the force ladder until the force is enough to overcome his resistance.
If he physically resists, I will go up the force ladder until the force is enough to overcome his resistance.