The frequency response of the drive-direction oscillator has two resonant peaks and a flat region between the peaks.
The accelerometer also has better frequency response under the resonant frequency.
Preliminary test results indicated that the accelerometer has better frequency response well above the resonant frequency, and the output signal is in correspondence with the input.
The frequency response may also be controlled by a low voltage micro sized varicap, or a varactor diode, and instantiated as a tuned, resonant matching filter network residing with the antenna module.
In the analysis resonant frequency, modal loss factor and harmonic response of structures are studied.
As an example, a resonant loop is composed of forward differential FDNR circuit. The experiments show that the characteristics of its frequency response coincide with the theoretical analysis.
作为文中的一个例子,用FD - FDNR电路组成一个谐振回路,实验表明其频响特性与理论分析相一致。
The resonant points of frequency response curve at different frequency represent different information of winding deformation.
The resonant points of frequency response curve at different frequency represent different information of winding deformation.