He's not too keen because he's a smart man, and he feels a responsibility to protect her.
Apparently he did not read Harvard Professor Samantha Power's book on "the responsibility to protect."
Others, this time in the West, are asking whether responsibility to protect will ever be more than an empty slogan.
But WWF says new discoveries imply a new level of responsibility, a responsibility to protect these life forms.
It's our solemn commitment and duty-bound and unshirkable responsibility to protect and manage the mountain well.
(for this reason) Human beings are part of nature, and for this reason, we have the responsibility to protect nature.
Second , the student of Mind Yoga, should know that we all have the responsibility to protect the ecological environment.
If it was, I would feel sorry to be absent when they were dying or blame myself without taking responsibility to protect them.
It is the younger generations' responsibility to protect the environment, and make the world a better place for people to live in.
We as Just Chinese men should take the international responsibility to protect all the peaceful foreigners in China, the Japanese included.
What is called "the earth is my home, clean depends on everybody", as we have an obligation to the earth, have the responsibility to protect it.
Third , the student of Mind Yoga, should know that we all have the responsibility to protect the environment mentality. you should keep it calm ;
A team leader has a responsibility to protect the team. The team must know that their leader will support, protect and defend them without hesitation.
In the sleeve of the man's would be embroidered the name of the woman that he drew. It was a holy responsibility to protect and take care of the woman.
The eximious local cattle breed is our ancestry leave behind precious inheritance, so it is our responsibility to protect local species resources effectively.
We all have a responsibility to protect our common homeland, let us start from self, pedro note environmental protection, let environmental protection into our life!
When consumers realize the dangers of GM foods and that the FDA has abdicated its responsibility to protect us, they usually want to opt out of this massive feeding experiment.
Blackmun argued that as a woman approaches the final stages of her pregnancy, the state has an increasing responsibility to protect both the woman's health and the life of the fetus.
Under article 30 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, States have a responsibility to protect indigenous children and ensure their right to enjoy their culture and way of life.
The council's 15 members said the Libyan authorities should "meet its responsibility to protect its population", act with restraint, and respect human rights and international humanitarian law.
Today, with hundreds of millions of people using those products around the world, we are very aware of the trust that you have placed in us, and our responsibility to protect your privacy and data.
It also questions the responsibility of smartphone makers to protect the sensitive data that flows through their devices.
It also questions the responsibility of smartphone makers to protect the sensitive data that flows through their devices.