Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.
There are no matches tomorrow, which is a rest day , but the tournament resumes on Monday.
So embarrassed, so hurt, I couldn't even do my lessons for the rest of the day.
He feels that young people are more energetic and can perform better for the rest of the day.
Children become aggressive and nervous—cooped up at home all day, with nowhere to play; their mothers feel isolated from the rest of the world.
Enjoy the first hour of the day. This is important as it sets the mood for the rest of the day.
For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.
These models rest on the bookshelves in the Oval Office, and I see them every day.
Whatever you do at the start of the day sets the mood for the rest of the day.
The forecast suggests that it's going to be quite cold over northwestern parts of Europe for the rest of the day, even some snow on the Scandinavian mountains.
Let us make Sunday a day of rest and renewal rather than a day of travel and toil.
She does it every morning before staring the rest of her work day.
The rest of Luke's work that day went by a lot quicker.
After helping set up the outside clothing display (陈列), for the rest of the day, I'd watch to make sure no one stole anything.
One day, I went to the park for a rest.
After a full day of fun activities, visitors can take a rest, listen to the night sounds, and watch the stars in the huge sky.
Take at least one rest day a week, by not exercising at all or doing a cross-training activity instead.
It doesn't matter what happens the rest of the day because it is all extra.
There are circumstances when it may be better to not try to make up a run to meet the weekly mileage total goal. An example of this would be to preserve a rest day prior to a long run.
Then the Nigerian devil comes in and whips you for the rest of the day.
Taking a day of rest to do random, enjoyable things.
Then the German devil comes in and whips you for the rest of the day.
So if you're busy on another day and prefer to workout on a Monday or Friday, it's fine to swap a rest day for a run day.
Adds Michnik, "She doesn't remember the rest of the day."
Make sure you have at least one full rest day each week and cut back on your training every third to fifth week to give your body and mind a break.
确保你每周有一天完全用于休息,每隔3- 5个礼拜调整一下训练给自己身心一次休息。
If you're a competitive runner and run 4-6 days a week, you can substitute a low-intensity cross-training workout for an easy run or a rest day on 1-2 days week.
如果你是竞赛选手,每周要训练4 - 6天,那你可以用低强度的交叉训练换掉其中一天低强度跑步训练或者每周1 - 2天的休息日。
Heading into tomorrow's rest day, the first of two 24-hour breaks during the three-week race, it's the Australian, Evans, who has the most to celebrate.
Cleaning activity gradually dies down throughout the rest of the day.
And this jealousy and envy grew every day stronger and stronger in her heart, like a disease, till she had no rest day or night.
And this jealousy and envy grew every day stronger and stronger in her heart, like a disease, till she had no rest day or night.