I can lie down with as much ease, and rest for the night within range of the enemy's guns, knowing that at dawn we may meet face to face, as I could at home upon my bed.
Prisoners in open prisons are locked up at night, but for the rest of the time, they are free within the prison grounds.
Our car having developed engine trouble, we stopped for the night at a roadside rest area.
Mosquito coils were lit to safeguard a much needed night of rest for the survivors.
Then the rest of the interviews came, and for the next hour or so I witnessed an awe-inspiring night of theater.
This allows for digestion to happen (or at least start) well before you go to sleep so your body can rest well during the night, rather than churning away your food.
A woman boarded an Amtrak train in Oakland last Saturday night and proceeded to talk loudly on her cellphone for much of the rest of her 16-hour voyage.
You wake in the wee hours because the cat's scratching at the door or you have to use the bathroom, then you toss and turn for three hours before dozing fitfully the rest of the night.
He climbed a gate into a field, intending to sleep for the rest of the night under a hay-rick, but then he noticed an unusual light in the darkness, about half a mile away.
Inactive during the day, they hunt for insects during the night and are almost impossible to see when at rest on a mossy or lichen covered branch.
Rather than call friends and enjoy some social time, he does nothing for the rest of the evening except watch TV until late at night.
One of the best ways to get the best rest at night is to create a firm schedule for going to sleep and waking up.
I slept the rest of the night on a roadside somewhere else and had an uncooked frozen pizza for breakfast.
"I went to [a store] and we spent half an hour in the toy section looking for a big box of Legos and spent the rest of the night building that thing," he says.
But rather than turning around and heading back, you may just need to pull over for the night and get some rest.
After a short discussion, we decided to send Mr. Sokha to the policeman's house for the night and the rest of us would keep vigil by the vehicles.
And at night, when the whole organism is at rest, the meditative mind has no dreams for it has been awake all day.
At intervals through the night, the pride will stop to rest and sometimes even to sleep soundly for a few hours.
Thanksgiving. For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, For love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends.
On the night of the Mid-Autumn Day, people have fruits and moon cakes, the most round food is offered to the moon, while the rest is for the family to enjoy as theyappreciate the moon's beauty.
He completely deceived the shepherd, and when the flock was penned for the night he was shut in with the rest.
And then I pull myself together. I rewrite my opening statement, work my exhibits and that's what I do for the rest of the night.
A rich couple was going out for the evening when the woman of the house decided to give the butler, Jeeves, the rest of the night off.
For the rest of us, it is more realistic and healthy to sleep at night as best we can and then take naps as needed.
But he wanted to see what the young man would do now that he had lost his skin, so he stayed awake for the rest of the night and listened at the door.
After a delicious meal still feeling rather tired after travelling all night, they decided to get some rest in readiness for a busy day tomorrow which includes a press call at 2.30 PM in the hotel.
After a delicious meal still feeling rather tired after travelling all night, they decided to get some rest in readiness for a busy day tomorrow which includes a press call at 2.30 PM in the hotel.