A multi-tier architecture for building RESTful Web services.
构建RESTful Web服务的多层架构。
Make it as easy to interoperate with server-side RESTful Web services.
允许与服务器端restful Web服务轻松互操作。
RESTEasy and JAX-RS exist to help you write RESTful web services and clients.
RESTEasy和JAX - RS存在有助于你编写RESTful的web服务和客户端。
RESTful web services offer some advantages: They are simple, lightweight, and fast.
RESTful Web服务提供了一些优势:简单、轻量级、快速。
Learn about the features in CA1S that simplify the creation of RESTful Web services.
No authentication is required for either the browser interface or RESTful Web services.
Hopefully you discovered that RESTful Web services can be easy to understand and implement.
Developers can easily create rich interfaces by using Ajax and RESTful Web services together.
开发人员可以轻松使用Ajax和RESTful Web服务一起创建丰富的界面。
Resource classes decide what will be exposed as RESTful Web services to the client applications.
资源类决定哪些内容将作为REST 风格的Web服务向客户机应用程序公开。
This allows RESTful Web services to be as simple as a document that is returned when a URL is accessed.
这使得RESTful Web服务可以像访问url时返回的文档一样简单。
It is a good tool to communicate with RESTful Web services because it can send content by any HTTP method.
这是一个与RESTful Web服务通讯的好工具,因为它可以通过任何HTTP方法发送内容。
The two calls are used in the Web page to call the RESTful Web services and display the results in the page.
在Web页面中使用的两个调用会调用RESTful Web服务并在页面中显示结果。
RESTful Web services are generally accessed by an automated client or an application acting on behalf of the user.
RESTful Web服务通常可以通过自动客户端或代表用户的应用程序访问。
RESTful Web services provide Ajax with a very simple API to deal with the interactions with resources on the server.
RESTful Web服务为Ajax提供了非常简单的API来处理服务器上资源之间的交互。
In addition to calling standard Ajax-style services, you can also use the Dojo Toolkit to call RESTful web services.
除了调用标准Ajax风格服务之外,您也要使用DojoToolkit调用RESTful web服务。
MindTouch offers a programming library and standalone server for developing and publishing RESTful web services.
MindTouch提供了一个编程库和单机运行的服务器,用于开发和发布RESTful WebService。
The simple nature of the RESTful Web services makes accessing them from a Web client technology such as Ajax much simpler.
RESTful Web服务的简单性使得使用 Web客户端技术(如Ajax)进行访问变得更容易。
The ability to test the services simply by accessing a URL from a browser is another powerful advantage of RESTful Web services.
只要访问浏览器url就可测试服务的能力是RESTful Web服务的另一强大之处。
The data is fetched using RESTful web services and the mode of data interchange between the client and the service provider is JSON.
数据是通过RESTful Web服务提取的,客户端和服务提供者之间的数据交换模式是JSON。
RESTful Web services are helping companies like MindTouch provide corporate customers with dashboards that can pull in data from the Web.
RESTful Web服务正在帮助像MindTouch那样的公司为企业客户提供可从网络上吸取数据的仪表盘。
REST is not a standard, but there are ways of crafting the URLs that allow better interoperability between clients and RESTful web services.
REST不是一个标准,但是有很多方法可以巧妙地获取url,为客户端和RESTful web服务提供一个较好的互操作性。
I explain how to implement lazy loading, how to integrate with RESTful Web services, and how to implement GWT callbacks and custom exceptions.
我要解释如何实现惰性装载、如何与RESTful Web服务集成以及如何实现GWT回调和定制的异常。
The Ruby scripts that are used to upload and download users' data are also the clients of RESTful Web services. The Ruby script downloadUsers.rb
用于上传和下载用户数据的Ruby脚本也是REST 风格的Web服务的客户机。
On the technology level, the same number of decisions must be made, but less alternatives have to be considered when building RESTful Web services.
在技术层次,必须制定的决策数目相同,但是在构建RESTful Web服务时必须要考虑的备选方案更少。
Increasingly, modern Web applications are required to provide a rich interface as well RESTful Web services so that clients can automate the process.
Here in Part 3, we will give back to the ecosystem by creating RESTful Web services to our application, so other folks can use it to create their own mashups.
本文是第3部分,将通过为应用程序创建RESTful Web服务返回到生态系统,这样其他人就可以使用它创建自己的mashup。
Now that you have a better understanding of the distinction between GETful and RESTful Web services, you are ready to get started on creating your own in Grails.
现在您已经对GETful与RESTful Web服务之间的差异有了更充分的了解了,并已经准备好用Grails创建自己的服务了。
Most RESTful web services follow conventions for the way a URL is constructed for a specific type of request, in addition to the HTTP method used for the request.
除了用于发送请求的HTTP方法之外,大部分RESTful web服务的URL构建方式都遵守为特定类型请求构建url的方式。
All the administration, management, and monitoring data is exposed as RESTful Web services and thus can be seamlessly integrated in the toolkit of your choice.
所有的管理与监控数据都通过RESTful Webservice公开出来,这样就能与你所使用的工具无缝集成了。
Apache Wink not only helps with the implementation of RESTful Web services but also provides a powerful client library for the easy consumption of RESTful services.
ApacheWink不但帮助实现RESTful Web服务,而且提供一个强大的客户机库,可以使用它轻松地消费RESTful服务。