Restore backups to any server.
Then restore the latest clean database backup and the subsequent log backups, including the one taken in above step.
With merged backups, if a recovery is needed on Friday, you can restore everything from Thursday's merged backup along with the transaction logs.
These backups can be used to restore databases to their proper state after data corruption events, such as software failures, hardware failures, bad application logic, and user errors.
DB2 provides a mechanism to automatically schedule backups and to keep transaction logs that can be used to restore to the exact point of the crash.
DB 2提供了一种自动调度备份任务的机制,还可以保存事务日志,可以使用事务日志将数据库恢复到发生崩溃的时间点。
However, in the case of a restore, you won't be able to get your data back because the logical logs are needed to reach a point of consistency for backups performed in parallel mode.
The resulting merged backups are available in the shortest possible restore time, which aligns with your SLAs and reduces application downtime.
由此产生的合并备份可以提供最短的可能还原时间,您可以使用您的SLA 对该备份进行调整,它减少了应用程序的停机时间。
This feature allows performing continuous restore of logical log backups using the ontape and ON-Bar utilities.
该特性允许使用ontape和on - Bar实用程序执行逻辑日志备份的连续恢复。
You can modify the Settings for this job, run unscheduled backups, or restore data from within WebConfig's backup page.
The exclude-entry ensures that logical logs are not backed up under the dedicated nodename, as this would cause trouble during a restore operation of your daily backups.
exclude 条目确保逻辑日志不会备份在专用节点名之下,否则在恢复每日的备份时将出现麻烦。
For ontape IDS backups, you also have the option of specifying the IDS agent module as a command that receives the output of the backup or restore command.
With onbar you can parallelize your backups and you are also able to perform a point-in-time restore.
As of SQL Server 2005, we have page level restore, meaning that we can restore only the damaged pages (instead of a full backup) and then the subsequent log backups.
如果是SQLServer 2005,我们拥有页级别的还原,意味着我们能够只还原损坏的页面(代替完整的备份)然后是随后的日志备份。
In the case of a failure on Saturday, you could restore the first Sunday full backup and apply the delta backups from Monday until Saturday. See the diagram below.
Windows backup and restore Center offers improved backup and restore functions, with automatically scheduled backups to preserve priceless digital photos, music, movies, and documents.
In the case of a failure on Saturday, you could restore the first Sunday full backup and apply the delta backups from Monday until Saturday. See Figure 36.
We regularly download the latest database backups and restore them locally (we develop against live data all the time), so we know our backups work.
Or you might take backups and asynchronously restore these at a later time into another database.
Incremental backups are reasonable because they reduce the time needed to restore the database server.
PREVIEW command to report, but not restore, the backups that RMAN could use to restore to the specified time.
You can perform online tablespace backups, and use these backups to restore a tablespace following media failure.
It is worth mentioning though that this will only be a "from now on" fix, as in backups made with previous versions will likely restore a corrupted kernel.
It is worth mentioning though that this will only be a "from now on" fix, as in backups made with previous versions will likely restore a corrupted kernel.