Commands have been added to back up and restore broker configuration for the purposes of disaster recovery.
You still need a reliable backup, restore and disaster recovery plan in place for such events.
However, if you change from read-only to read-write vice-versa since last backup, you have to restore the file and do a media recovery on it.
Restore the last good snapshot to the disks that will be used for the recovery data center.
Restore a full backup, replay the logs of all transactions since the backup, and your recovery is complete.
This is the building block of any recovery strategy, without a full backup image, you can't start to restore.
Unlike complete recovery, you have to restore all data files, instead of only the selected data files to be recovered.
After the physical restore completes, the database instance waits in fast recovery mode to restore logical logs.
Worldwide, recovery prospects depend on effective policies that restore confidence in the financial system, recapitalize Banks, and counter falling global demand.
Depending on how you chose to keep your image at the disaster recovery site, you may also need to restore a backup.
With merged backups, if a recovery is needed on Friday, you can restore everything from Thursday's merged backup along with the transaction logs.
By putting together a backup and recovery strategy for an instance, you can potentially avoid having to do a complete operating system restore when faced with a compromised instance.
You can use DB2 Recovery Expert to undo the SQL that deleted the rows and to restore the database to its original state.
And, if you do need to do an urgent system recovery, you don't want to lose precious time finding large enough disks to restore to and then have to untangle data file systems from your mksysb backup.
You can either use a copy of your backup image and roll it forward to the time right before the table was dropped (point-in-time recovery), or you can restore a logical backup through the exp utility.
This article looked at numerous aspects of both MySQL and DB2 Express-C backup and recovery mechanisms including architecture, memory structure, logging types, and backup and restore type.
本文讨论了MySQL和DB 2Express - c备份和恢复机制的许多方面,包括体系结构、内存结构、日志类型以及备份和恢复类型。
One feature I want to see is automatic page recovery, which can restore Web pages that were accidentally closed (or killed during a system crash).
我想看到的一个特性是自动页面复原,它能恢复无意中关闭的we b页面(或者因为系统崩溃而关掉的页面)。
For delta backup and restore, in the same scenario, you will restore each day's delta backup image (Monday through Saturday) and roll forward to complete the recovery.
Use InfoSphere Optim High Performance Unload (HPU) to further accelerate recovery of critical information and to reduce restore and migration times for large volumes of data.
使用InfoSphereOptim HighPerformance Unload (HPU)来进一步加速关键信息的恢复,并减少大量数据的还原和迁移时间。
Includes a high-availability data replication (HDR) feature for disaster recovery and continuous log restore, point-time instance-wide restore, and table-level backup and recovery.
内含高可用性资料抄写 (HDR)功能,以便提供灾难回复与连续记录还原、时间点实例层面还原、表格层次备份及回复。
Under any recovery model, you can restore a file that is offline while the database is online.
Using this system, the investigators examined whether direct administration of stem cells into the inner ear could restore the cochlear fibrocyte population and aid hearing recovery.
In DB2 LUW, you could also use ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command, typically after the restore of an online copy (using the restore DATABASE command), to apply data changes from recovery logs.
在DB 2LUW中,您还可以使用ROLLFORWARDDATABASE命令来应用恢复日志中的数据变更,这通常发生在还原一个联机副本之后(使用RESTORE DATABASE命令)。
In this case, must take the tablespace that needs recovery offline, restore and then recover the tablespace, and bring the recovered tablespace online.
A key recovery system is a system backup and restore tool, which allows the system more efficient and easier to back up!
To restore the global economic and financial system to health, we agree to maintain support for the recovery until it is assured.
Welcome to the system Recovery wizard, which will restore your system from a full system backup. During the restore process, you will be prompted to.
HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility is a compact tool that aims to help you restore your laptop to the original state.
HPUS B恢复闪存磁盘工具是一款紧凑型的工具,旨在帮助您恢复您的笔记本电脑到原来的状态。
This application is designed to facilitate the recovery process when you need to restore the original Settings on your computer.
This application is designed to facilitate the recovery process when you need to restore the original Settings on your computer.