Retrieve data from the local JMS queue.
从本地J MS队列检索数据。
Retrieve data from a database -- single result
从数据库中检索数据 ——单个结果
Retrieve data from a database — multiple results.
Use linked server to retrieve data from more than one instance.
Listing 8 shows the interface to retrieve data from a remote application.
On the server, you use code to query a database or retrieve data from a service.
In either case, a URI doesn't actually retrieve data from the specified location.
How Can I retrieve data from TextBox, when it's dynamically added by button?
To retrieve data from the ObjectGrid, run the following batch file from the command prompt
Without DB2 II, we needed to retrieve data from each source individually using native APIs.
在不使用DB 2II的情况下,我们需要使用本地API从每个数据源逐个检索数据。
It can actually be used to retrieve data from any OLE DB or ODBC-compliant data source.
The Model contains all the business logic necessary to retrieve data from a persistent data store.
To retrieve data from a data source using mapped keys for constructing an intermediate object.
要使用映射键从数据源检索数据以构造中间对象,请执行以下操作。 is used to retrieve data from an OData-enabled service as an AtomPub feed or a JSON document.
开发者可以使用OData . read从支持OData的服务中获取数据,生成atompub数据或者JSON文档。
This panel shows the exact SQL statement PDI will use to retrieve data from the performance data selected.
Query Language, which offers a unified, SQL-like interface to retrieve data from multiple web service APIs.
QueryLanguage,该语言提供一个统一的、类似 SQL 的接口来检索来自多个web服务APIs 的数据。
For example, a single query can retrieve data from a SQL database, and produce an XML stream as output.
Today's blog post will specifically cover how to call SPROCs to query and retrieve data from the database.
Preloading the cache increases the chances of a cache hit and reduces the need to retrieve data from back-end tiers.
NET will retrieve data from the cache, which you can verify by noting that the time on the page does not change.
Once you have the entry design, the first step is to load the KeyStore as an object so you can retrieve data from it.
In the content provider shown in Listing 7, you can retrieve data from an XML file or from a database using an adapter.
As with the DatabaseRoute node, you can use the DatabaseRetrieve node to retrieve data from one or more database tables.
This pattern can improve query performance by allowing applications to more quickly retrieve data from a data store.
You also need to make sure that you can write data to the service through the API and retrieve data from it through the API.
They all can be used to retrieve data from their respective types of data sources and can be bound to various data-bound controls.
The second accessor retrieves only the column containing large data, but it does not retrieve data from this column automatically.
I also show you how to use YQL to search through and retrieve data from HTML pages as well as structured XML formats such as RSS and Atom.
This article describes how you restrict users access to these database operations that could update or retrieve data from the database.
This is in contrast to a private cloud that allows a consumer to retrieve data from known locations in a specific jurisdiction (like the US).