Make the most of Mercury's last day in retrograde motion to take a trip down memory lane.
When Mercury goes into apparent retrograde motion, this planet weakens and all these areas suffer.
Now that its retrograde motion has ended, Jupiter will seem to slip closer to the setting sun each evening.
The series reveals Venus' apparent retrograde motion transporting it from a brilliant evening star to morning's celestial beacon.
Last month, your ruler, Mercury, was in slow, weak retrograde motion causing you a number of frustrating delays, confusing communications, and some false starts.
The experimentally measured temperature dependence of retrograde velocity of vacuum arcs can be explained by the ion jet model for retrograde motion of vacuum arcs.
Therefore, the increase of the phenomenon of Earth's volume, while the quality of growth is the cause of the Earth, Earth's mass increases because of its retrograde motion.
During these periods of re verse or retrograde motion they appear brighter and larger in the sky, suggesting either that they are variable or that they have moved closer to the Earth.
You never want to start a new venture while Jupiter is in weak, retrograde motion, because he would not be in a position to help you nearly as much as he could if he were moving direct.
In retrograde motion in your relationship sector Saturn has moved into opposition with the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter and over the weekend he'll add Venus, planet of love to that list.
In this paper, the problem on the stable region of the motion of P-type retrograde minor bodies in the solar system is discussed.
Most of you know the drill, but for those that don't, here's the skinny: Mercury Retrograde is all about reviewing the details of what's already in motion with a fine-toothed comb.
Most of you know the drill, but for those that don't, here's the skinny: Mercury Retrograde is all about reviewing the details of what's already in motion with a fine-toothed comb.