At the end of each sprint, the development team also held a sprint retrospective meeting to review what went well during the sprint and what could be improved upon.
We recommend that you invest two hours at the end of each iteration in order to hold an informal process improvement meeting or retrospective.
Seventh retrospective: Following our visit to one of the stand-up meetings, we realized that a knowledge gap existed with respect to concepts mentioned by team members at the stand-up meeting.
Before closing the retrospective, the facilitator needs to be clear what will happen to the outputs of the meeting.
It may help to pick a meeting room away from your normal work area so that it's harder for people to get dragged back to work partway through the retrospective.
The Scrum Process template defines a Retrospective work item type (Figure 25) that can be used to make sure that the reflection meeting occurs and to track the team's comments and plans.
For example, if someone answers a phone call in the meeting room then gently usher them out so that their conversation does not disrupt the retrospective.
A retrospective 4 is a facilitated meeting where four questions are asked: What did we do well that, if we don't discuss, we might forget?
Like any productive meeting, a retrospective needs a clear agenda and a facilitator to keep the meeting running smoothly.
To run an effective retrospective someone needs to facilitate the meeting.
Prepare and issue the meeting notice to the participants, including the completed retrospective planning worksheet.
Methods: a retrospective analysis of 38 cases of senile diabetes treatment of 78 cases occurred during the meeting the reasons for low blood sugar, and clinical features of the incentive.
Methods: a retrospective analysis of 38 cases of senile diabetes treatment of 78 cases occurred during the meeting the reasons for low blood sugar, and clinical features of the incentive.