Return of service belongs to the passive technique, comparing to serving the ball, in which active power is completely grasped in one's hand from the beginning of the game.
Return the service description or information to the user of the advanced registry applications.
Therefore, if a code generation problem occurs, it is most likely that the code generator can not handle the serialization of the method parameters or return types in your service class.
Listing 6 shows the return data structure of the service provider.
In such a case, the gateway Proxy service would assume the role of the ultimate receiver and return an empty result (not a fault) to the sender.
Both proxy and invoker components required the support of the framework context object to establish certain communication details, such as the service bus locations for return messages.
Once all the responses have been obtained, collated and coordinated, the final step of the orchestration could return the finished result to the originating service.
This service can return a list of English words that start with a certain prefix, which makes it perfect for type-ahead functionality if you want to help users enter English words correctly.
For the first name match that is found, service description consisting of development time and runtime information about the service is return to the client application.
In step 3, configuration parameters are: name of the operation, port type, address of the target service endpoint, return type.
A tenure in England and Scotland under which property of the king or a Lord in a town was held in return for a yearly rent or the rendering of a service.
One of the fundamental goals of SOA governance, of course, is to insure that the use of each service generates the expected return.
That could signal a return to the era of monopolies in some markets, with the risk that entire countries could be held ransom by their service providers, the authors warned.
For the purpose of this example, assume that the service interfaces for each airline to return a frequent flyer's miles already exist and are well known.
These stubs perform tasks, such as encoding and decoding of input and return values, and interfacing with the JSR 172 runtime to invoke the a remote service endpoint.
让这些存根来执行任务,例如对输入值和返回值进行编码和解码、与JSR 172运行时交互来调用远程服务端点。
The eventual return type is not specified by any of the asynchronous service interfaces or implementation classes, leaving the return type your choice, which can be any serializable data type.
Of course, our example implementation does not return any real information but is a simple example to show the requirements of a more complex web service interface.
In addition, we will also consume an Apache SOAP stock quote news service that will return a list of current news about a company, when given the company's stock ticker symbol.
The WebResult annotation (optional) is declared at the method level and is used to customize the return value of the web service operation.
Information from traditional web-based sources was slow and gave no indication of when the service might return.
Creates a new instance of a LatLong bean called zipToLatLongmtemp to hold the return data from the Web service.
After verifying the existence of the given LSID, we return an array containing a single location: the endpoint of our metadata service. The following line needs some elaboration.
The input parameters and return values of data types of a Web service operation have a great impact on the interoperability of the Web service.
If the invocation is successful, the Web service will return a 0, and you will see the result of the invocation in the result frame of the Web page.
It admonishes me that the best return I can make is the zealous dedication of my humble abilities to their service and their good.
When my enlistment was up, I chose to get out of the service and return to my home in Hunter and go to barber school.
It provides an emulator where you can specify return data to emulate the result of the target service component via manual entry or retrieval from a specified file.
The signature of the method also defines a CLR return type, which takes the deserialized XML content from the service response.
The signature of the method also defines a CLR return type, which takes the deserialized XML content from the service response.