The manufacturer and reseller can each keep their existing technology platforms while they integrate their business processes to drive operational efficiency and return on investment (ROI).
In this case, AIG managed to take a business specifically designed to be low risk, low return and amp it into another dicey venture - with taxpayers on the hook.
Once the order is approved or declined by the manager, the BPEL process will return the result of the human task to the business state machine by invoking an operation on the business state machine.
Because of this commitment, it is now possible for everyone to realize a large return-on-investment by using a canonical business language for integration.
We took the company private, improved the business, and three years later sold it to Tosco, an oil company, earning our investors a more than quadrupled return on their money.
My father had gone to Nashville, intending to return the next afternoon. Something prevented his accomplishing the business in hand, so he returned on the same night, arriving just before the dawn.
Jobs’s return to the company in 1996-the first time he set foot on the Cuoertino campus in eleven years-has turned out to be the greatest comeback in business history.
For a commercial software product, the Business Case should include a set of assumptions about the project and the order of magnitude return on investment (ROI) if those assumptions are true.
Investors get a return based on the interest rate of the loan and can lose their money if the business defaults.
The deal supposedly involved Mr Ceglia giving Mr Zuckerberg $1, 000 to develop the website, and a further $1, 000 for work on another project, in return for a substantial chunk of any future business.
Usually two weeks before, people begin to prepare lots of Christmas presents. People who are far away on business hurry to return their home for Christmas.
The return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met.
When this index exceeds the rate of return earned on equity by the business, the investor's purchasing power (real capital) shrinks even though he consumes nothing at all.
Costs eligible for support include a most-direct-route economy class return travel and accommodation , visa application fee, on-ground transport and other legitimate business expenses.
Return on customer (ROC) is a new business metric that is designed to measure the amount of value a business creates by acquiring, retaining and then growing its customer base.
Results began to that old total have been telling me business, return ask my business planning and so on.
I have made an 8.9% annualized return on loans that are backed by real business assets.
On May 15th, FTP claimed: "Full Tilt Poker faced numerous challenges and hurdles to ensuring the smooth operation of its international business and the orderly return of us player funds."
The want of his animating influence appeared to be peculiarly felt one day that he had been summoned to Millcote on business, and was not likely to return till late.
FLAM back in business MATHIEU FLAMINI is set to return for Arsenal on Sunday - even though he has failed to tell Arsene Wenger whether he plans to stay at the club.
This makes the business sales personnel have, rely on distributors, rely on large family gave up return velocity pressure goods performance.
In this part of the crowd, the social status of women must also return to the traditional point, and more often by her husband, and he is able to rely on manual or living hand to do business.
You include the income and expenses of the business on your own tax return. "- Dictionary. com definition."
You include the income and expenses of the business on your own tax return. "- Dictionary. com definition."