He lip-synced 'Return to Sender'.
If undelivered, return to sender, eg on a letter.
2: Return to Sender: the FBI agrees to grant Neal his freedom if he can bring down the Pink Panthers once and for all.
He didn't package the items, just sent them the way they were - kind of like Wired's long-running Return to Sender contest.
Return to sender: The letter will finally arrive at its intended destination in Seix, France, 220 years after it was first posted
To ensure mail items be duly received by the department, and to avoid unnecessary delivery delay (e. g. return to sender), please pay sufficient postage before Posting mail items to this department.
To ensure mail items be duly received by the department, and to avoid unnecessary delivery delay (e. g. return to sender), please pay sufficient postage before Posting mail items to this department.
In such a case, the gateway Proxy service would assume the role of the ultimate receiver and return an empty result (not a fault) to the sender.
If a SOAP processing error occurs at the SOAPInput node, it can return a SOAP fault either directly to the sender or to a different endpoint if directed to do so by WS-Addressing.
如果在SOAPInput节点上发生SOAP处理错误,它可以直接向发送者或者向某个不同的端点(如果WS - Addressing指示这样做的话)返回SOAP错误。
Remittances and parcels can also provide return receipt service. Receipt is issued to the sender, the recipient received confirmation of receipt.
Occasionally, I find even book-length manuscripts, unsolicited—which I return to the sender with a little blue slip Thank you for your submission.
In fact, negative thoughts sent to you by others will rebound from your aura with the same force with which they were sent out, and seeking the lines of least resistance, will return to the sender.
According to the post office notified the sender can be designated to receive the return of the cost of the window.
According to the post office notified the sender can be designated to receive the return of the cost of the window.