There is no question of returning a reference to static data if the function doesn't have one.
Currently, there is no standard service for returning a pair of queue addresses, so the consumer must just know the addresses.
Of course, while the script or program on the server is processing and returning a new form, users have to wait.
When a browser calls the default "page" of this tiny cloud server, the code responds by returning a directory listing of the aforementioned "home" directory.
当浏览器调用这个微型云服务器的默认 “页面” 时,代码通过返回前面提到的 “主”目录的目录清单来做出回应。
For method calls, I tried the same three access variations as for field access, with the added variable of using no-argument methods versus passing and returning a value on the method calls.
It turns out that returning a JSON object is a little bit trickier, but not because the technology is inherently complex.
The server will acknowledge this by returning a packet with the ack flag set.
For simplicity, we chose not to validate entries into the list by returning a value of null each time the validator is run.
Using a function as a function argument, or returning a function as a value, elevates this abstraction into the realm of higher-order functions.
It then has a method for making the appropriate HTTP request and returning a streaming response.
Instead of just returning a single value for each node in the result set, an XML string is returned.
When doing conditional branching, passing values to functions, returning a value from a function, and several other scenarios, the value in the preferred slot is the one that matters.
Add a method that is responsible for making the EJB proxy call and returning a complex object.
If you think it's returning a number, oh, ok, you gonna tell me what kind of thing it's returning, please?
The request immediately results in an acknowledgement of receipt from the provider (without returning a value to the receiver).
It's live HTML generated on the fly by the chunk of code responsible for returning a partial page from the server after an AJAX request.
After some debugging, it turned out that the problem was that I wasn't returning a value from my handlers.
Set: intersection computes the intersection if two sets, returning a node-set whose nodes are in both.
Web services can perform tasks for your component, such as converting currencies, searching the Internet, or returning a United States zip code.
Sample query returning a fragment of persistent XML trade data.
Also, the empty and exists functions, each returning a Boolean value, quickly tell you whether a sequence has members.
In our implementation, we trust every host key and simply give control back to the asynchronous reactor core by returning a defer.succeed object.
在实现时,我们完全信任所有的主机密钥,只是通过返回一个defer . succeed对象,将控制交回给异步反应器(reactor)的核心。
set:difference computes the difference between two sets, returning a node-set whose nodes are in one of the arguments but not the other.
difference 将计算两个集合之间的差异,返回一个节点集,该节点集的节点位于其中一个实参,而不在其他实参中。
In SSAX, by contrast, every node descends from a parent, passing and returning a seed.
To indicate that a test case is asynchronous, the test case alerts the harness by returning a doh.Deferred object.
要指示一个测试用例是异步的,此测试用例需要通过返回一个doh . Deferred对象来提示doh。
The OCL parser at the bottom of the OCL expression editor confirms that the syntax is okay and that you’re returning a collection.
在OCLexpressioneditor底部的 OCL解析器能确认语法是否正确以及是否返回了一个集合。
Futures: Futures are expressed by returning a port eagerly from a class, and activating the handlers in parallel.
Futures: Futures被表达为立即从一个类中返回一个port,并且并行的激活处理函数。
Notice that sum() is dealing with native Perl scalars and returning a Perl scalar.
注意到sum()处理本地的Perl标量,并返回一个 Perl 标量。
Recall that returning a single character at an arbitrary position within a rope is an o (log n) operation.
返回rope内任意位置字符的操作是个o (logn)操作。
Recall that returning a single character at an arbitrary position within a rope is an o (log n) operation.
返回rope内任意位置字符的操作是个o (logn)操作。