A good example of this would be a user using the application, taking a lunch break, and returning to the application after the authentication key had expired.
Leisure, thus conceived, is hard labour, and returning to work becomes a well-earned break from the ordeal.
So can the movement of aphids when, having depleted the young leaves on one food plant, their offspring then fly onward to a different host plant, with no one aphid ever returning to where it started.
The mantle's motions, analogous to those in a pot of boiling water, cool the mantle by carrying hot material to the surface and returning cooler material to the depths.
Amy, as well as her brothers, was given a warm welcome when returning to the village last week.
When good students turn in an essay, they dream of their instructor returning it to them in exactly the same condition, save for a single word added in the margin of the final page: "Flawless."
There is no question of returning a reference to static data if the function doesn't have one.
The people below conclude that Moses is not returning. They persuade Aaron, the brother of Moses, to make them a statue to worship.
Simply returning to a Thatcherite message would not electrify the middle class, despite what many on Tory right think.
Everyday for almost six months I would come by her house to eat a meat sandwich before returning to the orphanage.
Britons returning to the UK from Mexico were questioned by a doctor before being allowed home today.
One of the less happy surprises of returning to London after a long stint abroad has been the discovery, street by street, of 13 years' worth of duff installations.
Non-recursive queries allow the server to return a partial response, such as returning the name or address of the server that may know the answer (or may have more information).
'Both remain important priorities and the Board remains focused on its goal of returning the Company to a path of robust growth and returning value to shareholders,' he said.
Set Manipulation: Instead of simply retrieving specific records and returning them to the application, a relational-type database has the capability to manipulate the data.
It first checks to see whether the content returned to the user represents a fault object, meaning that it is returning an error to the user.
As she was returning to France, Christophe caught a glimpse of her on the train.
I rarely used the four physical buttons at the bottom of the screen (in portrait mode) for locking the screen, browsing, returning to a previous screen, and returning to the home screen.
In addition to providing a fast-paced yet sufficient introduction to the technology, the book works well as a reference, and I find myself returning to it often.
The stress of returning to work on a Monday morning can trigger a dangerous increase in blood pressure, according to a study.
After disabling the Out of office agent upon returning to the office, a user might continue to receive a reminder to disable the Out of office agent.
The threat of returning to a pre-antibiotic era is genuine and probably most vividly illustrated by the rise of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.
To achieve this, the United States is committed to returning the federal budget deficit to a sustainable path and pursuing measures to encourage private saving.
The US insisted at the time that it undertook the operation to prevent the satellite returning to earth with a toxic fuel tank which would pose a health hazard.
Yes, Bridget Jones is returning to the multiplexes in a new film from Working Title, with Renee Zellweger set to reprise her role as the chardonnay-quaffing, big-underpants-wearing British singleton.
Sites should not prevent visitors from returning to a previous site or redirect the user to a site the viewer did not intend to visit.
Sites should not prevent visitors from returning to a previous site or redirect the user to a site the viewer did not intend to visit.