Swing check valves are used to prevent reversal of flow in horizontal or vertical pipe lines.
Es is caused by long-standing left-to-right shunt lesions, which induce pulmonary vascular changes, resulting in reversal of the shunt flow.
Slamming of check valves is the result of failure of the valve disc to reach its closed position before the fluid flow reversal.
A new computational scheme was developed to solve a three-dimensional model of a periodic flow reversal reactor by ADI alternating direction implicit method.
Dynamic regulation of reversal time can further reduce the energy consumption of the regenerative soaking pits according to the flow and the temperature of the gas.
The existence and uniform boundedness of the global solutions of the model for sulphur dioxide oxidation in a tubular reactor with periodic flow reversal are proved by the invariant domain method.
The results show that the emission level of the cyclic flow reversal combustion is lower than that of one-way flow combustion.
The starch is purified to Grade I of GB2-92 National Standard by 12~17 groups of vortex machines with reversal flow cleaning process for removal of the protein and impurities.
Results obtained show that reversal procedure of diagonal branch contains two stages, one is stratified flow of smoke and airflow toward different directions, which is a quantitative change stage.
The PWM rectifier is a "green" power electronics equipment since it offers sinusoidal input currents, unity or adjustable power factor, reversal of power flow.
Conclusions The increase trend of pulmonary venous reversal flow velocity can reflect indirectly the worsening of LV diastolic disfunction;
Conclusions The increase trend of pulmonary venous reversal flow velocity can reflect indirectly the worsening of LV diastolic disfunction;