If you just scramble a sentence, it's pretty useless because the recipients are never going to be able to reverse the process.
Hormone replacement therapy may reverse the process of early menopause or alleviate its symptoms.
At times it has acquiesced in ratifying the facts on the ground, while at other times has sought to reverse the process.
The goal of workflow mining is to reverse the process and collect data at runtime to support workflow design and analysis.
Reverse the process, and you have the central bank selling securities, lowering member bank balances, and tightening credit.
The goal of workflow mining is to reverse the process and collect the data at runtime to support workflow design and analysis.
Acids, like the weak acid present in your can of Coke, can react with oxides to effectively reverse the process of tarnishing.
That's how life works: two steps forward, followed by one-and-a-half back as those who lost their power try to reverse the process.
The runtime also creates a COM callable wrapper (CCW) to reverse the process, enabling a COM client to seamlessly call a method on a.
And you can reverse the process when you leave, turning off the lights when you have locked the door, gone down the steps, and left the yard.
I am not talking about ignoring the bad stuff in your brain, just making it insignificant for now, you can always reverse the process later if you wish.
But one thing it gives us is you can use refactoring to stop the decaying of designs. In fact, you can reverse the process and actually make designs improve over time.
Beyond that, we need to wake up and realize that one of the keys to our nation's historic success is now a wasting asset. Education made America great; neglect of education can reverse the process.
Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.
The reverse of this process would occur when the world's goods increased faster than the gold supply.
The three activities undertaken by our process instance are displayed (Figure 12), displayed in reverse sequence.
That's what refactoring is about, techniques to reverse the decaying process.
The whole process goes into reverse equally rapidly, and the bubble bursts, with people selling in panic, making prices plunge.
Scientists are unlikely to reverse the ageing process by boosting telomerase in people's bodies.
The more important software insights will be gained in part from the reverse engineering of the human brain, a process well under way.
Although a parent process can access the process ID of its child process and can thus pass arguments to it, the reverse is false.
syntax-object->datum is the reverse process of the datum->syntax-object.
syntax-object->datum 执行与 datum->syntax-object相反的过程。
Simple also facilitates the reverse: Developers can translate XML documents into pojos-a process known as deserialization.
Well, a study in the journal Psychological Science suggests that the reverse is also true: that the look on your face may influence your ability to process emotions.
I have shown that most of the tasks and work products that we need on our reverse-engineering process are found in the RUP toolbox or are close to them.
This has been the most pronounced credit cycle in history, but this process is now in reverse and will prove to be a multi-year adjustment.
Then, in Sepang, the reverse process takes place with the equipment delivered from Kuala Lumpur airport, ready for the team to start work on Tuesday.
The reaction has shown that the peace process, though imperfect, is too robust for the murderers to reverse it.
The client can now modify the bandwidth element to the required value, then the file-transfer process occurs in reverse, from the client back to the server.
A return message follows the same process in reverse, moving from the server to the client.