To return to the original file, select the appropariate menu item or button ("Revert to original class file").
And ionic EAPs revert to their original shape as soon as the applied voltage is removed.
You can drag the views anywhere along the pane, rearrange them, or revert back to the default perspective if you need to go back to the original layout.
The Settings revert to their original values when the interactive session or batch input ends.
When incorrect changes are made, you can find them and revert them to the original source.
And if it worsens, as it may, he could revert to his original argument that the Iraqis will sort themselves out once they are forced to-without outsiders holding the ring.
If any creditor involvement will draw an unfavourable opinion from the rating agencies, Germany retorted, we might as well revert to our original plan.
When you are finished using the modified source project, simply delete it to revert back to the original binary version.
The interpreter code for these elements calls the outputter to switch to a new destination and subsequently to revert to the original destination.
This says that the picture should revert back to its original position unless it lands in a drop zone.
In the case of text fields or check boxes, the user can always erase the entry and revert to the original state.
You would have to remove the binary from Subversion and revert it to its original form before altering it.
To revert to the original behavior, stop the server, remove or rename the system.xml file, and then restart the server.
要恢复到原来的行为,关闭服务器,移除或重命名system . xml文件,然后重启服务器。
The REVERT statement is executed multiple times moving up the stack until the execution context is set to the original caller.
The file extension does not match the input file extension. Do you want to revert to the original extension?
Once you restart your system it will revert back to its original state and all changes to your primary partition will disappear.
However, this dialog will be up and if you don't click on anything, it will revert back to the original Settings!
Finally, by the testing of shape memory ratio and speed, it is proved that the fibers are able to remember and revert to the original shapes.
Execution context is reverted to the original caller only after execution of the procedure or when a revert statement is issued.
It will revert the phone profile back to the original Settings once the feature is deactivated.
The credit limit of a card account will revert back to its original level when the temporary limit ceases to apply.
You can revert the window to its original size by clicking on this button once again.
Specifically, contrary to classic Mendel, a certain research plant can revert back to its original grandparents after breeding.
Specifically, contrary to classic Mendel, a certain research plant can revert back to its original grandparents after breeding.