Revise the functional diagram to reflect this change.
Change to existing user interface details no longer requires the tester to revise each test script.
One reason may be that after one analyst makes a significant change, others re-examine their models and then revise their estimates in the same direction.
Testers must revise these documents as developers change the software being tested.
Content duplication in test scripts is insidious because software change requires testers to revise every script in which the repeated flow occurs.
Some writers find that working with a printed copy of the manuscript helps them to visualize the process of change; others prefer to revise entirely on screen.
SOA initiatives founder when organisations revise their architecture to make it more service-oriented, but don't change their development techniques to match.
However, on the assumption that the final second-quarter data do not change substantially, the Economist Intelligence Unit would expect to revise up its forecast for Singaporean GDP.
Of course, you should also then revise the original PHP script to transform the generated XML using this stylesheet. The change, however, is trivial
Adopting a software platform strategy is a radical change that requires the organization to revise and adjust its existing practices.
We hope that each time we write a new draft, or revise or change the draft it gets better.
Newsgd. com reserve the right to change the title, content and length of the articles, or revise or delete improper parts.
You think of your hopes, dreams, plans you already have in your minds for the current year, and revise and sometimes change the path to reach your desired outcome.
For many regulatory problems, the legislature can neither foresee what actions the agency should take, nor constantly revise the statutory mandate as conditions change.
The improvement measures is to change ideas, strengthen the communication with design professional, and revise budget requirements and budget quota, etc.
During the solution iterations, the residual change is used as accelerating factor to revise weight function. As a result, the number of iteration and the calculation time are decreased.
To revise the effects from fatigue extent of automatic developing solution on the film density by way of measuring density change of the brain ct films.
If the answer to all four questions is yes, then it is appropriate to revise the limits based on data collected since the change in the process.
Our staff reserves the right to revise, interpret, or change the rules, and the right to refuse admission of any person who behaves inappropriately.
If one element of the interface should change-for example, if Caption Typeface moves from one dialog box to another-then you might have to revise each script.
If one element of the interface should change-for example, if Caption Typeface moves from one dialog box to another-then you might have to revise each script.